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A Split in Colonial Opinion

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1 A Split in Colonial Opinion

2 Lack of colonial unity 1775, the colonists were neither prepared for nor united behind fighting a war with England The Revolution would encompass two struggles Obviously a military struggle with Great Britain Also, a domestic political struggle Once fighting began opinions ranged from complete independence to no change in the imperial relationship at all Extremists on the side of absolute independence were led by John and Samuel Adams Those in favor of moderate reforms with the British were led by such moderates as John Dickenson of Pennsylvania

3 Olive Branch Petition Within a month of Lexington and Concord, the Second Continental Congress met and attempted reconciliation with Britain through the Olive Branch Petition This sought out peace with Britain by meeting terms of an agreement King’s response was to destroy the rebellion by force and brute military strength Recruited slaves, Indians and mercenaries as soldiers

4 Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms
Second declaration by the Continental Congress which declared just how necessary a war for total independence was These two declarations, done very close to one another, greatly demonstrate the split between colonists on the decision for war

5 Imperial power begins to dwindle in the colonies
Thomas Paine “Common Sense” Attempted to turn colonial opinions away from the specific actions of Parliament and toward the government institution itself Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence Adopted July 4, 1776, Congress adopted Jefferson’s work Borrowed heavily from John Locke Governments were formed to protect the rights of life, liberty and property Second part, Jefferson listed alleged crimes by the king, or the breaking of that contract

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