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Xp54 helicase is redistributed between the nucleus and the cytoplasm and between large and small complexes during the course of early development. Xp54.

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Presentation on theme: "Xp54 helicase is redistributed between the nucleus and the cytoplasm and between large and small complexes during the course of early development. Xp54."— Presentation transcript:

1 Xp54 helicase is redistributed between the nucleus and the cytoplasm and between large and small complexes during the course of early development. Xp54 helicase is redistributed between the nucleus and the cytoplasm and between large and small complexes during the course of early development. (A) Sections through the ovary (with or without prewash in 4 M urea) and the blastula, both immunostained with anti-p54. Nuclear particles and fibres are obvious in stage I/II oocytes and in blastomere on left (arrowheads). The blastomere on the right is stained with preimmune serum (PI) and shows no nuclear reaction (arrowheads), only autofluorescent yolk. Arrows on oocytes indicate the Balbiani body. (B) The level of Xp54 in the nucleus relates to the level of transcriptional activity. An immunoblot of isolated nuclei (N) and cytoplasms (C) from mid- to late-oogenesis with anti-p54, anti-pp60/56, anti-p50-52 and anti-RbAp48. (C) Extracts (SN10) from stage III oocytes, stage VI cytoplasms, stage VI nuclei and blastula, separated on glycerol gradients and immunoblotted with anti-p54 are shown. David A. Smillie, and John Sommerville J Cell Sci 2002;115: © The Company of Biologists Limited 2002

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