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Mode:Rush Quiz time:5/8/2019 4:57:23 PM class:QUIZNIGHT teacher:Temporary Teacher subject:Temporary Subject Answering Details.

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Presentation on theme: "Mode:Rush Quiz time:5/8/2019 4:57:23 PM class:QUIZNIGHT teacher:Temporary Teacher subject:Temporary Subject Answering Details."— Presentation transcript:

1 mode:Rush Quiz time:5/8/2019 4:57:23 PM class:QUIZNIGHT teacher:Temporary Teacher subject:Temporary Subject Answering Details

2 A 2017 In what year did Donald Trump become President of the United States of America B 2015 C 2016 mode:Rush Quiz time:5/8/2019 4:06:16 PM class:QUIZNIGHT teacher:Marc subject:Quiz Night Answering Details D 2014

3 Name this prime minister
Theresa May Name this prime minister B Margaret Thatcher C Kim Campbell D Angela Merkel

4 Scott Morrison is the prime minister of which country?
A New Zealand Scott Morrison is the prime minister of which country? B Australia C Canada D France

5 Name this former prime minister
Tony Blair Name this former prime minister B David Cameron C Jeremy Corbyn D Boris Johnson

6 Who can name the current Canadian prime minister?
Andrew Scheer Who can name the current Canadian prime minister? B David Cameron C Justin Trudeau mode:Random Call time:5/8/2019 3:55:26 PM class:QUIZNIGHT teacher:Marc subject:Quiz Night Answering Details Robert(-10point) Shane(0point) mode:Random Call time:5/8/2019 4:01:09 PM class:QUIZNIGHT teacher:Marc subject:Quiz Night Answering Details Robert(10point) mode:Random Call time:5/8/2019 4:09:15 PM class:QUIZNIGHT teacher:Marc subject:Quiz Night Answering Details Shane(-10point) Robert(10point) mode:Random Call time:5/8/2019 4:46:08 PM class:QUIZNIGHT teacher:Temporary Teacher subject:Temporary Subject mode:Random Call time:5/8/2019 4:58:55 PM class:QUIZNIGHT teacher:Temporary Teacher subject:Temporary Subject mode:Random Call time:5/8/2019 5:11:12 PM class:QUIZNIGHT teacher:Temporary Teacher subject:Temporary Subject D Rachel Notley

7 1 2 3 Shane Pole Position Players Points Time 1 Shane 20 17 2 Robert
19 Robert 1 2 3

8 Pole Position Student Points Time 9 8 10 222 10 16 10 230 11 6 232 12 15 235 13 7 237 14 28 242 14 30 242 14 29 242

9 Pole Position Student Points Time 14 33 242 14 32 242 14 31 242 14 40 242 14 37 242 14 39 242 14 38 242 14 34 242

10 Pole Position Student Points Time 14 35 242 14 36 242 14 1 242 14 5 242 14 14 242 14 13 242 14 2 242 14 3 242

11 Pole Position Student Points Time 14 4 242 14 27 242 14 24 242 14 26 242 14 25 242 14 21 242 14 22 242 14 23 242

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