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Presentation on theme: "INSTITUTO MEXICANO MADERO"— Presentation transcript:

1st period 3st period 5st period 2st period 4st period Puebla Portafolio de evidencia INFORMATICA 1 REALIZADO POR: Jennifer maldonado manzo PROFESOR: Jose Luis Carrillo Valdes MSc. Puebla,Pue 14 de marzo de 2013

2 1st period Evaluation criteria topics

3 1st period topics 1. Introduction of Computer Science 2. Uses of the computer 3. Parts of the computer 4. Input/Output Devices 5. Hardware (HW) and Software (SW) 6. Operating Systems 7. Common problems using the computer 8. Network: Internet 9. Browsers

4 1st period topics Introduction of Computer Science
2. Uses of the computer 3.Parts of the computer

5 1st period topics 4. Input/Output Devices 5. Hardware (HW) and Software (SW) 6. Operating Systems

6 7. Common problems using the computer 8. Network: Internet 9. Browsers
1st period topics 7. Common problems using the computer 8. Network: Internet 9. Browsers

7 Evaluation criteria 1 period
Exam Participation Projects Practices Homeworks 35% 20% 15%

8 Evaluation criteria 2 period
2st period Evaluation criteria 2 period topics

9 Evaluation criteria 2 period
Exam Participation Projects Practices Homeworks 35% 20% 15%

10 Topics 1.prezi account 2.prototype/ powerpoint 3.prototype/ prezi presentation presentation 5.puebla presentation 6.word map 7.becomig certified brochure 9.puebla brochure powerpoint

11 Topics 1.prezi account 2.prototype/ powerpoint 3.prototype/ prezi presentation

12 presentation 5.puebla presentation 6.word map
Topics presentation 5.puebla presentation 6.word map

13 Topics 7.becomig certified brochure 9.puebla brochure powerpoint

14 Evaluation criteria 3 period
3st period Evaluation criteria 3 period topics

15 Evaluation criteria 3 period
Exam Participation Projects Practices Homeworks 35% 20% 15%

16 Topics 1° FACES OF INTERNET internet and 1.2 Web 1.3 chat and conferencing 1.4 internet security 2°BASIC SOFTWARE 2.1 operating system 2.2 Word prossecing 2.3 Publisher part Spreadsheets and databases

17 1° FACES OF INTERNET 1.1 internet and e-mail 1.2 Web
Topics 1° FACES OF INTERNET 1.1 internet and 1.2 Web

18 4st Period Evaluation criteria topics

19 Evaluation criteria 4 period
Exam Participation Projects Practices Homeworks 35% 20% 15%

20 topics practice 1 mario bros practice 2 /cartoon speaking practice 3/ your own design practice 4 /cube practice 5/ topology practice 6 / advertisement practice 6.1 animated gift lego practice 6.2 our company practice 7 pacman practice 8 / logo IMM practice 9 / your photo practice 10 portfolio

21 practice 2 /cartoon speaking
topics practice 1 mario bros practice 2 /cartoon speaking

22 practice 3/ your own design practice 4 /cube
topics practice 3/ your own design practice 4 /cube

23 practice 5/ topology practice 6 / advertisement
topics practice 5/ topology practice 6 / advertisement

24 practice 6.1 animated gift lego practice 6.2 our company
topics practice 6.1 animated gift lego practice 6.2 our company

25 practice 7 pacman practice 8 / logo IMM
topics practice 7 pacman practice 8 / logo IMM

26 practice 9 / your photo practice 10 portfolio
topics practice 9 / your photo practice 10 portfolio


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