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CVEN 617 Traffic Engineering: Characteristics

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1 CVEN 617 Traffic Engineering: Characteristics
Instructor: Dominique Lord Room 301A (CE/TTI Tower) Phone: (979) Fall 2018

2 Structure and Material
Lecture: Tuesday, 12:10 pm–1:00 pm, HEB104 Lab: Thursday, 3:55 pm–6:25 pm, HEB 104 Office Hours: Tuesday, 1:00–3:00 pm. Access to material:

3 Text

4 TOPICS COVERED 1. Introduction/Overview (1 week)
2. Microscopic flow characteristics (1 week) 3. Macroscopic flow characteristics (1 week) 4. Microscopic Speed Characteristics (1 week) 5. Macroscopic Speed Characteristics (1 week) 6. Microscopic Density Characteristics (1 week) 7. Macroscopic Density Characteristics (1 week) 8. Capacity Analysis (1 week) 9. Traffic Stream Models (2 weeks) 10. Shock Wave Analysis (1 week) 11. Queuing Analysis (1 week) 12. Simulation Models (1 week) 13. Continuum Models (1 week)

5 GRADING Assignments: 20% (3-5) Laboratories: 40% (4)
Term Paper: 30% (due Dec 5th, 2018; class presentation on Dec. 4th, 2018) Class Participation: 10% Grading Scheme: A = 90% and above, B = 80 to 89%, C = 70 to 79%, D = 60 to 69%, F = below 60%

6 Lab Safety There will be several lab projects that involve field data collection, reduction, and analysis. While conducting field data collection, safety measures need to be strictly followed. A safety training session will be held before the first lab project. Each student needs to attend the first laboratory in order to get the proper safety training for conducting data collection outside the university. The student will need to sign a form indicating that he or she understood and agreed with the information offered during the training. It is a university rule that a student will not receive a grade without completing the required Lab Safety Training for any lab class.

7 References Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)

8 References Traffic Flow Theory. Special Report 165, Transportation Research Board, 1975. Revised version available online

9 References Traffic Engineering Handbook, Fifth Edition
Institute of Transportation Engineers Staff;Pline, James L. Edition: 5 Institute of Transportation Engineers / 01-Oct-1999 / 720 pages ISBN:

10 References Traffic Flow Theory and Control. By Donald R. Drew. McGraw Hill, NY, 1968.

11 References Traffic Engineering.
By Roger P.Roess, Elena S. Prassas, and William R. McShane. 3rd edition,n Pretice-Hall, 2004

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