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Word Study- Unit 1 Word Part of Speech Definition

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1 Word Study- Unit 1 Word Part of Speech Definition
When/why would I use this word Synonyms 1. Antonyms Original Sentence

2 Adulterate (v)- to corrupt by adding something of lesser value
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3 Ambidextrous (adj)- very skilled with both hands

4 Augment (v)- to increase
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5 Bereft (Adj)- deprived of; made unhappy through loss
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6 Deploy (v)- to organize, arrange, form up
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7 Dour(adj.)- stern, unyielding

8 Fortitude-noun courage in facing difficulties
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9 Gape- verb to stare with open mouth
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10 Gibe-verb to utter taunting words
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11 Guise- noun an external appearance, cover
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12 Insidious- adj intended to deceive or entrap; cunning
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13 Intimation- noun a hint or indirect suggestion; clue
10:20 AM

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