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The Aarhus Clearinghouse for Environmental Democracy

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1 The Aarhus Clearinghouse for Environmental Democracy
Presentation by Michael Stanley-Jones Environmental Information Management Officer UNECE Aarhus Convention Secretariat Mini-conference “Agenda 21 and the Information Society” Sixth meeting of the Task Force on Electronic Information Tools Geneva, Switzerland – 13 December 2007

2 What is a clearinghouse anyway?

3 Everyone knows what a marketplace is …

4 ... a place not only to buy and sell goods, but to exchange information

5 The Aarhus Clearinghouse for Environmental Democracy
is a place to exchange ideas, good practices, projects and other information resources for implementation of the Aarhus Convention, its Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers and principle 10 of the Rio Declaration globally


7 Clearinghouse Resource Directory
Currently 1155 separate entries ‘tagged’ with one or more thematic attribute: Type of Resource Topic Events Access to Information Experts Access to Justice Funding Convention Compliance Legislation Electronic Tools Media GMOs Policy PRTRs Procedures Public Participation Projects Strategic Decision-making Research Also by Training materials Source and Geography

8 Anatomy of a Resource Entry
TITLE / URL hotlink ‘Aarhusing’ the Official EC Complaint Procedure. Calls for reform of the European Community (EC) Official Complaint procedure over the past decade have included calls for complainants to participate in open meetings with the EC and government, to clarify and resolve issues faster. Four open meetings dealing with select Irish complaints were held in 2006 as part of a pilot and a model approach to dealing with complainants identified by the NGO participants. A summary and full accounts of these meetings are available on request from Coastwatch Europe Network. Contact Karin Dubsky, ENGLISH Coastwatch Europe Network, 2006. BODY OF TEXT LANGUAGE YEAR OF PUBLICATION SOURCE OR PUBLISHER

9 Clearinghouse Upgrade Project
September 2006 – February 2007 UNECE Secretariat and GRID-Arendal New design of Clearinghouse launched during Information Society Cluster Week at side event to the annual meeting of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development, in May 2007

10 Dynamic ranking of 10 top resources for any entry category
h a c e d N v i g t o

11 National Implementation Reports Online
Purpose and Scope Build and launch NIRs database to facilitate access to National Implementation Reports online  Contributing to transparency of implementation  Promoting sharing of good practices  Facilitating comparative analysis of national and sub-regional gaps and needs Online reporting system integrates 2008 entries by national focal points into online database in the Clearinghouse

12 Features The database is trilingual Allows multiply searches by
 language  year of the report  country name  question




16 Capacity-building Workshops on Electronic Information Tools and the Clearing-house Mechanism for national nodes and NGOs REC (Szentendre, Hungary), 8-9 March 2007 Targeted for node administrators Held in English SEE, EU and other countries invited Financial assistance for SEE and NGOs Hands-on training Green Spider Network, REC, TF experts assisted

17 Capacity-building 2 EECCA workshop held at CAREC (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
11-12 June 2007 In English and Russian languages Future workshops for Western EECCA / South Caucasus?

18 Thank you for your attention

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