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GAA Team fit 2009.

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1 GAA Team fit 2009

2 Principles of Training
Periodisation Functional Screening

3 The principles of training

There are different ways in which we can improve CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS and there are certain PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING which need to be understood. The 5 principles of training can be best remembered by the word S.P.O.R.T. S- SPECIFICITY P- PROGRESSION O- OVERLOAD R- REVERSIBILITY T- TEDIUM

5 SPECIFICITY Your training is geared “specifically” towards your sport. For example- The training for a shot putter would be different from the training for a marathon runner………You would not ask your shot putter to run round the field 3 times as part of their fitness training. There is also a need for SPECIFIC TRAINING within a sport. E.G goalkeepers need different training to outfield players. CAN YOU GIVE OTHER EXAMPLES ?

6 PROGRESSION Having planned a training programme for 6/8 weeks, the coach would need to evaluate fitness levels, to check for improvements-Testing PROGRESSION involves further planning to produce another programme which would take the athlete onto a higher level of fitness. This might involve training more often (FREQUENCY), training more strenuously (INTENSITY) or spending longer (TIME). So PROGRESSION means to gradually increase your training programme.

7 OVERLOAD This means training at a worthwhile range of intensity, also known as training in your TARGET ZONE This leads to the F.I.T.T. principle. F is for FREQUENCY I is for INTENSITY T is for TIME T is for TYPE

8 TYPE- What sort of training you do
FREQUENCY- How many times per week you need to train in order to improve your fitness. INTENSITY- How hard you train. Train at an intensity that will take your pulse into the TARGET RANGE. TIME- how long each session must be in order to be of any benefit and to achieve improvement. The amount must be at least 20 minutes in your Target Range. TYPE- What sort of training you do

9 REVERSIBILITY If training PROGRESSIVELY gradually improves fitness over a long period of time, what happens if less training takes place, or if one stops training because of injury. This brings us to the principle of training called REVERSIBILITY. This means that instead of progressing or remaining at the same level, the athlete loses fitness.

10 TEDIUM Make the sessions different and enjoyable. When boredom sets in it is very difficult to motivate players to push them selves to the limit!

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