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Creative Europe programme

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1 Creative Europe programme 2021-2027
Hearing European Economic and Social Committee 23 October 2018 Richard Polacek Director of EURO-MEI

2 EURO-MEI the European Region of the Media, Entertainment & Arts sector of Union Global Union (UNI MEI) over 70 unions and guilds in the media, entertainment and arts sector in Europe representing technicians, screenwriters, film directors and other workers in broadcasting, cinema, theatre, as well as in visual arts representing trade unions (together with FIA, FIM and EFJ) in the EU Social Dialogue Committees for Audiovisual sector and Live Performance sector

3 Key challenges for professionals in European media, entertainment and arts sector
Skills development Creative Skills Europe: Digitalisation important in all sub-sectors of culture sector Equal access to training critical (freelancers/ self-employed often excluded) Mobility Double taxation Visa for third-country nationals (cf. joint position (July 2018) of Pearle – EAEA – EU Live Performance social dialogue committee)

4 Key challenges for professionals in European media, entertainment and arts sector
Wages / Income Respect of authors’ and performers’ intellectual property rights are crucial 2015 survey of EURO-MEI members and workers in live performance and audiovisual sectors: Important decrease and stagnation of salaries and income Unpaid work especially for young workers Decent working conditions Working time: over-time often the rule; compensation not systematic Health and Safety at work: critical situation in SME; small venues; touring productions Gender equality and diversity Framework of Action on gender equality of the EU Audiovisual Social Dialogue Committee  « Me too »: need to address sexual harassment (example of Swedish Film Institute (green card). This issue is an integral part of health and safety at work.

5 Proposals for the future Creative Europe Programme
Skills development and training Specific part on training in Culture strand (cf. training part in media strand) Support training as an integral dimension of a project that is submitted for funding Training as a transversal aspect in all future programmes supporting cultural and creative industries Support decent work Support decent work is a genuine support to the sustainability of culture and creative industries Role of public (EU) funding to support the European social model and European Pillar of Social Rights

6 Proposals for the future Creative Europe Programme
Gender equality and diversity Go beyond mainstreaming gender equality Define specific and concrete gender equality criteria (cf. models in Nordic countries film/ culture agencies) Enlarge to diversity (age, ethnic origin; social background, etc.) Support actively gender equality and diversity as objectives of projects submitted for funding Synergies with other Programmes Framework programme for research and innovation – Horizon 2020

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