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Digital Imaging.

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1 Digital Imaging

2 acronyms PSP CRT ADC IP CR DR PACS SNR CNR 10. CCD 11. FOV 12. LUT
13. DICOM 14. RIS 15. HIS 16. TFT 17. DQE

3 Photostimulable phosphor-europian activated barium fluorohalide (=200 speed)
Cathode-ray tube or computer monitor Analog to digital converter Imaging plate computed /digital radiography Picture archiving communication systems

4 SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO PG 410 –BUSHONG The higher the signal the less the noise.
CONTRAST TO NOISE RATIO can be manipulated until noise becomes too apparent-limited by the SNR Charge coupled device- crystal silicon- small, replaces vidicon in fluoro, device used in DR Field of View –how much of the patient is imaged in the matrix Look up Table – plotting grays on a scale Digital imaging and communications in medicine -blending PACS and other imaging modalities Radiology Information system Hospital Information system

5 Thin Film Transmitters- indirect conversion detector in DR
Thin Film Transmitters- indirect conversion detector in DR. Stores electronic charge (from converted light) before computer processes it. Detective Quantum Efficiency converting x-ray intensities into a radiographic image

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