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Nervous system /'æfərənt/] /'efərənt/ /'visərəl/ /,simpə'θetik/

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Presentation on theme: "Nervous system /'æfərənt/] /'efərənt/ /'visərəl/ /,simpə'θetik/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 General principle of efferent /'efərənt/传出的 nervous system pharmacology

2 Nervous system /'æfərənt/] /'efərənt/ /'visərəl/ /,simpə'θetik/
/səu'mætik/ /,pærə,simpə'θetik/

3 Receptors Adrenergic [,ædrə ‘nə:dʒik] 肾上腺素 receptors
Cholinergic [kɔli‘nə:dʒik] 胆碱 receptors

4 Subtypes and effects of adrenergic receptors
Presynaptic membrane α2 receptor inhibiting the release of NA β receptor promoting the release of NA α 1受体 Promoting the contracting of the vascular smooth muscle of blood vessel in skin, mucosa /mju:'kəusə/粘膜, and kidney β受体 β1 receptor excitation of the heart β2受体 Relaxing the smooth muscle of bronchus /'brɔŋkəs/支气管 Relaxing the smooth muscle of coronary artery, and blood vessels in skeletal muscle Negative feedback Positive feedback Pupil 瞳孔 dilation  Postsynaptic membrane

5 Effects mediated by β1 receptor
Heart rate心率↑ Heart contractive force心收缩力↑ AV-node conduction velocity ↑

6 Subtypes and effects of cholinergic receptors
Nicotine receptor N1 receptor: excitation of nerve ganglion N2 receptor promoting the contracting of skeletal muscle M1 receptor M3 receptor M2 receptor: inhibition of heart promoting the contracting of smooth muscle  /'ɡæŋɡliən/神经节  Muscarine receptor promoting the secretion of glands

7 Essential vocabulary Central nervous system/peripheral nervous system Afferent / efferent nervous system Automatic nervous system/somatic nervous system Sympathetic nervous system/parasympathetic nervous system Adrenergic receptors/cholinergic receptors

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