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Daily Agenda 8/27/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Agenda 8/27/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework"— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Agenda 8/27/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find a seat—YES, you will have a seating chart  Fill out the index card with the following information: Bell Work Front of Card Back of Card Hour/Period First and Last Name: List 2 strengths you have in Language Arts Home Phone #: Mom and Dad Cell: List 2 things you can improve in Language Arts Address: Preferential Seating: Internet Access at home/phone? Agenda Interest Survey Restorative Circle—Describe yourself in ONE word. Classroom Procedures and Expectations Homework Classroom Supplies Due Tuesday Sept 4

2 Daily Agenda 8/28/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat SILENTLY. Pick up Bell Work paper from the basket. Make sure you are writing on the right date. Write in complete sentences Bell Work In order for this class to be a fun, safe and productive learning environment, what are some classroom expectations that students have to follow? Agenda BW and class share out Interest Inventory Student code of conduct and Class Syllabus Homework Classroom Supplies Due Tuesday Sept. 4 Objectives: Content Objective: I can understand classroom expectations by listing the rules on my BW sheet. Language Objective: I can orally discuss the classroom expectations with my peers using the sentence stem: one classroom expectation students have to follow is…

3 Daily Agenda 8/29/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Quietly find your seat. Pick up Bell Work paper from the basket. Make sure you are writing on the right date. Write in complete sentences Bell Work What do you think it means to have a growth mindset? “I think Growth Mindset is... Agenda BW and class share out Classroom Syllabus All About Me Project Homework Classroom Supplies Due Tuesday 9/4 All about me Project Due Wednesday 9/5 Objectives: Content Objective: I can understand classroom expectations by listing the rules on my BW sheet. Language Objective: I can orally discuss the classroom expectations with my peers using the sentence stem: one classroom expectation students have to follow is…

4 Bell Work 8/30/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Quietly find your seat. Pick up Bell Work paper from the basket. Make sure you are writing on the right date. Write in complete sentences Bell Work Write about a time you were successful at accomplishing a task Agenda BW and class share out Work on All About Me Project Homework Classroom Supplies Due Tuesday 9/4 All about me Project Due Wednesday 9/5 WORK ON IT AT HOME DURING THE WEEKEND

5 Bell Work 9/4/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Pick up Bell Work paper from the basket. Make sure you are writing on the right date. Write in complete sentences Bell Work Question: Copy the sentence and make corrections (there are 4 errors) The angry childish boy yelled “where is my mom”? Staple your BW sheet in your composition notebook Agenda BW and class share out Check Supplies Work on Project Homework All About Me Project Due Tomorrow!

6 Bell Work 9/5/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Pick up Bell Work paper from the basket. Make sure you are writing on the right date. Write in complete sentences Bell Work Question: Describe something that you have to do that you absolutely hate doing. Explain why. Agenda BW and class share out ISN Notebook Set up Volunteer to present projects Homework Content Objective: I can understand the importance of introducing myself to build relationships with my classmates using google slides. Language Objective: I can write to introduce myself to my classmates to build relationships using sentence starters

7 Bell Work 9/6/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Pick up Bell Work paper from the basket. Make sure you are writing on the right date. Write in complete sentences Bell Work Question: What would the world be like without the internet? Agenda BW and class share out Short Story/Literary Elements Pre-Test Set up ISN notebook. Homework NWEA test will be next week! Content Objective: I can understand short story/literary elements by defining them on pre-test. Language Objective: I can read to answer questions about short story/literary elements by identifying them in short passages (plot, setting, character etc.)

8 Bell Work 9/7/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Pick up Bell Work paper from the basket. Make sure you are writing on the right date. Write in complete sentences Bell Work Write the statements and fill in the blanks with the correct story element. 1. The story's time and place is_____________ 2. An individual in a literary work is called___________ 3.Which point of view has a narrator that is outside the story and uses him/her, she/he, they/their 4. Character versus self is an __________ conflict. Agenda BW and class share out ISN set up Review pre-test Homework

9 Daily Agenda 9/10/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Go to a new page in your BW notebook (composition) Make sure you are writing on the right date. Write in complete sentences Bell Work Write your BW on a blank page in your composition notebook Bellwork # Today’s Date Question: Draw and Label the plot diagram. Agenda BW and class share out Read “In My Feelings” Challenge Article Talk to the text Worksheet—questions about article Homework Page # Assignment Name 5 6 “In My Feelings” Challenge Article “In My Feelings” Challenge Questions

10 Daily Agenda 9/11/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Go to a new page in your BW notebook (composition) Make sure you are writing on the right date. Write in complete sentences Bell Work NO BW NWEA Agenda BW and class share out Homework Page # Assignment Name 5 6

11 Daily Agenda 9/12/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Go to a new page in your BW notebook (composition) Make sure you are writing on the right date. Write in complete sentences Bell Work NO BW NWEA Agenda BW and class share out Finish CER Homework Page # Assignment Name 5 6

12 Daily Agenda 9/13/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Take out CER questions Bell Work Bellwork # Today’s Date Question: How do we effectively work in pairs and in groups? Write down 2 expectations. Agenda BW and class share out “In My Feelings” Challenge CER Questions HW Introduce Vocabulary for “Raymond’s Run” pg. 38 Homework Page # Assignment Name 5 6 “In My Feelings” Challenge Article “In My Feelings” Challenge CER Questions

13 Daily Agenda 9/14/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work Bellwork #3 Question: What do the terms synonym and antonym mean? Agenda BW and class share out Introduce Vocabulary for “Raymond’s Run” pg. 38 Homework Page # Assignment Name

14 Daily Agenda 9/17/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work Bellwork #4 Question: What makes a good story? Focus on your favorite books, movies, TV shows, etc. Why do you like them? What makes them appealing to you? (3 sentences) Agenda BW and class share out Notes on Plot Diagram Begin Reading “Raymond’s Run” Homework Page # Assignment Name 7 Notes on Plot Diagram 8 Raymond’s Run Double Entry Journal

15 TOC Set up Page # Assignment Name 1-4 TOC 5
In My Feelings Challenge Article 6 In My Feelings Challenge Questions 7 Notes on Plot Diagram 8 Raymond’s Run Double Entry Journal 9 Reading Check Handout 10 Raymond’s Run ‘Theme’ Organizer

16 TOC Set up Page # Assignment Name 11 Identifying Theme Worksheet 12
Argumentative Essay Elements 13 Why Can’t I live on French Fries? (annotation) 14 Double entry journal (from the text/your thoughts 15 iLearn notes (lesson 2: argumentative writing…) 16 iLearn bubble map 17 Anticipation Guide for “The Monkey’s Paw)

17 Daily agenda 9/18/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #5-What is plot? Agenda BW and class share out Finish NWEA Finish Vocabulary Log-homework if not done Plot Elements Passage Homework Vocabulary Log Page # Assignment Name 7 Plot Diagram Notes 8 Raymond’s Run Double Entry Journal

18 Daily agenda 9/19/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 6-What are the two types of conflict? Give examples Agenda BW and class share out Read ‘Raymond’s Run’ Fill out Raymond’s Run Double Entry Journal Homework Page # Assignment Name 7 Plot Diagram Notes 8 Raymond’s Run Double Entry Journal

19 Daily agenda 9/21/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 7-What does it mean to have pride or be prideful? What is something that you have great pride in? Agenda BW and class share out Finish up Double Entry Journal Raymond’s Run: Reading Check handout+ Conflict Handout Homework Page # Assignment Name 9 Reading Check Handout

20 Daily agenda 9/24/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 8- After watching the short video, answer the following questions: List some adjectives that describe Usain bolt and the other runners: Compare them to Squeaky in Raymond’s Run Agenda BW and class share out Short Usain Bolt Clips Raymond’s Run: Reading Check Review Homework Finish Reading Check Test Review

21 Daily agenda 9/25/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 9- How does Squeaky change after the May Day race? Agenda BW and class share out Short Plot Videos Continue Raymond’s Run: Reading Check Review Homework Study for Test (Wednesday)

22 Daily agenda 9/26/2018 BW 10 - Review Silently for 5 minutes
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW 10 - Review Silently for 5 minutes Agenda Raymond’s Run Test Homework

23 Daily agenda 9/27/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 11- What is the difference between plot and theme? Agenda 1.Theme Organizer Notes (Raymond’s Run) Homework Complete Organizer Page # Assignment Name 10 Raymond’s Run ‘Theme’ Organizer

24 Daily agenda 9/28/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 12- What is one theme from “Raymond’s Run”? Explain. Agenda 1.Theme Organizer Notes (Fill the back part similar to how we completed the front) As you work, I will meet with students individually to discuss test score. Homework Complete Organizer Page # Assignment Name 10 Raymond’s Run ‘Theme’ Organizer

25 Daily agenda 10/02/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 13- What predictions can you make about the ending of “Abuela Invents the Zero”? BW will be checked Friday Agenda Finish listening to “Abuela Invents the Zero” Complete Vocab Log Homework

26 Daily agenda 10/03/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 14- What is one theme from “Abuela Invents the Zero”? What is your evidence? BW will be checked Friday Agenda Identifying Theme Worksheet Homework Page # Assignment Name 11 Identifying Theme Worksheet

27 Daily agenda 10/05/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 16- Take a few minutes to complete your story from yesterday BW check today- Have BW book open Agenda Presentations of stories Homework Study for Test on Theme,Vocabulary, and “Abuela Invents the Zero”

28 Daily agenda 10/08/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 17- Take a few minutes to review for your test. Agenda Test Homework

29 Daily agenda 10/09/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 18- True or False: In formal speaking and writing, an argument is a claim supported by reasons and evidence. Agenda Watch Argumentative Writing Video Take notes Read Model text: “Why Can’t I live on French Fries?” Homework Page # Assignment Name 12 Argumentative Essay Elements

30 Daily agenda 10/11/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 19- What are the elements of an argumentative essay? Agenda Fill out note-taker as you watch the “Supersize Me” Documentary Homework

31 Daily agenda 10/12/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 20- Take out planner and be ready to fill out “My Learning Plan” Agenda Continue “Supersize Me” Documentary “My Learning Plan” Homework

32 Daily agenda 10/15/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 21- Grab a Chromebook and headphones. Log onto iLearn. Agenda 1. iLearn (Complete Lesson 2) Homework

33 Daily agenda 10/16/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 22- Watch short YouTube video and write one thought/comment or question. Agenda Homework

34 Daily agenda 10/17/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 23- What is a thesis statement? A single, focused sentence that reveals the argument of an essay. Agenda Homework

35 Daily agenda 10/18/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 24- What is the difference between a pro and a con? Pros and cons are opposite to each other. These are terms which mean “for or against.” Pros say something in favor of something. Pros can also be seen as things describing the advantages of something and cons as disadvantages. Agenda Take a few minutes to finish listing your pros and cons Begin Introduction Homework

36 Daily agenda 10/19/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # What does the “hook” do for an essay? 2. How many points are usually mentioned in the thesis statement? Agenda Homework

37 Daily agenda 10/22/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 26. What is usually restated in the conclusion part of the essay? Answer: The thesis or the claim Agenda Complete Introduction Begin body paragraphs of essay Homework

38 Daily agenda 10/23/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 27. What should you include in each body paragraph?: Topic Sentence Evidence Reasoning Concluding Sentence Agenda Continue working on body paragraphs of your essay You will be provided with the topic sentences for each body paragraph. Your job will be to complete the evidence/reasoning/concluding sentence parts. Homework

39 Daily agenda 10/24/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 28. The third body paragraph in an argumentative essay contains your counterargument. Agenda Begin and Complete 1st body paragraph Homework

40 Daily agenda 10/25/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 29. List 1 pro and 1 con from the article in regards to athletes refusing to stand for the national anthem. Agenda Complete your Conclusion Begin rough draft if finished with outline Homework

41 Daily agenda 10/26/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 30. In the introduction, we mention what the __________say (for it), and what the _________say (against it). Agenda Complete rough draft Begin typing rough draft Homework

42 Daily agenda 10/29/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 31. Give one example of good feedback and one example of unacceptable feedback. Agenda Complete rough draft Begin typing rough draft Homework

43 Daily agenda 10/30/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 32. Grab a Chromebook and continue working on essay. Agenda Complete Essay/Peer Feedback Homework

44 Daily agenda 10/31/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 33. Grab a Chromebook and complete your essay/feedback. Today will be the final day. Agenda Complete Essay/Peer Feedback Homework

45 Daily agenda 11/1/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 34. BW CHECK TOMORROW What is a thesis? In every paragraph, we provide a topic sentence,______,______, and a ____________. What are the elements of an argument? What are 4 types of support? Agenda Homework

46 Daily agenda 11/2/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 35. BW CHECK TODAY Have you ever felt a bit dissatisfied (unhappy) with your life? Yes or No? Why? Agenda Anticipation Guide for “The Monkey’s Paw” Short story Homework

47 Daily agenda 11/5/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 35. What do you think a superstition is? Agenda Think Aloud Circle Map Homework

48 Daily agenda 11/5/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 36. Review “King Midas and the Golden Touch” by watching short YouTube video Agenda Write a short story about a wish you made that came true. Use elements from the story we read in your story. Pg. 18 ISN Homework

49 Daily agenda 11/7/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # 37 What is a superstition? Give one example of one you have heard of or believe in. Agenda Review Objectives Superstition Video Word Map p. 19 ISN Vocabulary Log for “The Monkey’s Paw” Homework Complete Vocabulary Log

50 Daily agenda 11/8/2018 Vocab. Log Check Walk-In Directions Bell Work
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #38- Make a prediction: What do you think “The Monkey’s Paw” will be about? Vocab. Log Check Agenda Complete vocabulary log Begin reading/listening to “The Monkey’s Paw” Homework

51 Daily agenda 11/9/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW # What is the mood like in “The Monkey’s Paw”? 2. What words/phrases are used to establish the mood of the story? Agenda Vocabulary Log Check Continue reading/listening to “The Monkey’s Paw” Homework

52 Daily agenda 11/12/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #40 1. What powers does the Monkey’s Paw have? 2. What were the consequences of Mr. White’s wishes? Agenda Complete/review Text-Dependent Questions Present short stories Homework

53 Daily agenda 11/13/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #1 1. What was the first man’s third wish? How might this be an example of foreshadowing? Explain. 2. Why did the fakir place a spell on the paw? Agenda Check/Review Text-Dependent Questions Present short stories Homework

54 Daily agenda 11/14/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #2 Do you think the author did a good job of building suspense in the story? Explain. Agenda Evidence Chart/CER Graphic Organizer Homework

55 Daily agenda 11/15/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #3: Look at the photo on page 383 and describe the mood of the photograph. What details in the image help create this mood? Agenda CER Graphic Organizer Homework

56 Daily agenda 11/16/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #4: Write about what you think would have happened if Mrs. White had opened the door before her husband made the final wish. Agenda Turn in Evidence Chart and CER Organizer Watch “The Monkey’s Paw” T-Chart Book/Movie Comparison Organizer Homework

57 Daily agenda 11/19/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW Check Tomorrow BW #5: Select one of the choices below: From the Sergeant-Major’s description of the monkey's paw, the reader can infer that.... a.) The monkey’s paw will bring happiness b.) the monkey's paw is cursed and has brought nothing but trouble. c.) The monkey’s paw is a symbol of good luck Agenda Watch “The Monkey’s Paw” T-Chart: Movie/Text Comparison Homework

58 Daily agenda 11/20/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW Check Today (37-40) & (1-6) BW #6: True or False 1. ____ The monkey’s paw originally came from a holy man in Africa. 2. ________ For the wishes to work, you have to wish out loud. Agenda Work on Test Study Guide Homework

59 Daily agenda 11/26/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #7 What country did Sgt. Major Morris serve in? Agenda With the person next to you, complete test study guide Review Test Study Guide Homework

60 Daily agenda 11/27/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #8 Sit in your assigned seat and review for your test. Agenda “The Monkey’s Paw” Test Homework

61 Daily agenda 11/28/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda Homework
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #9 What do you think “The Tell Tale Heart” will be about? Depending on how you walk in and begin bell work, I’ll consider giving extra time to complete your test. Agenda “The Tell Tale Heart” Vocabulary Log (pg.82) Homework

62 Daily agenda 11/29/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #10 What is suspense? Agenda Submit Vocab. Log into your class hour bin Begin Reading/Listening to “The Tell Tale Heart” Vocabulary Log BOOK Homework

63 Daily agenda 11/30/2018 “The Tell-Tale Heart” reading lesson (iLearn)
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #11 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What details in the picture (pg.83) help create suspense? Agenda “The Tell-Tale Heart” reading lesson (iLearn) Homework

64 Daily agenda 12/3/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #12 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: List 2 classroom expectations: Agenda Continue “The Tell-Tale Heart” reading lesson (iLearn) Homework

65 Daily agenda 12/5/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #14 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: On what night did the narrator kill the old man? Agenda Tell-Tale Heart Jeopardy game (extra credit) Homework

66 Daily agenda 12/6/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #15 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What is one type of conflict in “The Tell Tale Heart”? Agenda Tell-Tale Heart Essay Test (Summative) Homework

67 Daily agenda 12/6/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda
Find your seat. Silvana fresh Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #15 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: Continue your Essay Test Agenda Tell-Tale Heart Essay Test (Summative) Homework

68 Daily agenda 12/10/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #16 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: Write the BW question for BW #11 (11/30) Agenda Continue Essay Test Tell-Tale Heart Poster Homework

69 Daily agenda 12/11/2018 Walk-In Directions Bell Work Agenda
Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #17 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What are the elements of plot? Agenda Continue Essay Test Tell-Tale Heart Poster Homework

70 Daily agenda 12/12/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat.
Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #18 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: The author’s _____is the author’s attitude toward the writing (his characters, the situation) and the readers. Agenda Begin reading “Us and Them” Homework

71 Daily agenda 12/13/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat.
Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #19 BW CHECK Tomorrow Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: The ___ is a problem or struggle between two characters/forces. Agenda “Us and Them Reading Lesson” on iLearn using code Homework

72 Daily agenda 12/14/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat.
Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #20 BW CHECK Monday Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: Who claims to agree with Mr. Tomkey about televison but fails to act like him? The Tomkey family One of the author’s teachers The author’s mother and father Some of the author’s siblings Agenda “Us and Them Reading Lesson” on iLearn using code Homework

73 Daily agenda 12/17/2018 Walk-In Directions Find your seat.
Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #21 BW CHECK THURSDAY (#’s 1-21) Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: If you could write about one important event in your life, what would that event be? Agenda Writing Topics Chart Homework

74 Daily agenda 12/18/2018 BW #22 BW CHECK THURSDAY (#’s 1-21)
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #22 BW CHECK THURSDAY (#’s 1-21) Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What is dialogue? Agenda Writing Topics Chart Homework

75 Daily agenda 12/19/2018 Write down what your essay topic will be.
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #23 BW CHECK THURSDAY (#’s 1-21) Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: Write down what your essay topic will be. Sample topics: (Most embarrassing moment of your life, a time you overcame a challenge, a memorable experience with family, etc.) Agenda Bubble Map + Plot Map Homework

76 Daily agenda 12/20/2018 Begin typing essay on Google Docs
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #24 BW CHECK TODAY (#’s 1-21) Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What is the lesson learned in your essay/story? Agenda Begin typing essay on Google Docs Homework

77 Daily agenda 12/21/2018 Continue typing essay on Google Docs
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #25 BW CHECK TODAY (#’s 1-21) Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What is one thing you plan on doing over the break? Agenda Continue typing essay on Google Docs Homework

78 Daily agenda 1/07/2019 Continue typing/complete essay on Google Docs
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #26 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: Have a partner read your essay and use the rubric to evaluate your essay/story. Agenda Continue typing/complete essay on Google Docs Homework

79 Daily agenda 1/08/2019 Complete essay on Google Docs
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #27 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What is one thing you learned from writing your essay? Agenda Complete essay on Google Docs Homework

80 Daily agenda 1/14/2019 Mid-term Study Guide
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #28 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What is theme? What is plot? Agenda Mid-term Study Guide Homework Complete Mid-Term Study Guide

81 Daily agenda 1/15/2019 Review Mid-term Study Guide
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #29 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: 1. The beating of the heart in “The Tell-Tale Heart” symbolizes _______. Agenda Review Mid-term Study Guide Mid-Term Cheat Sheet Homework Study for Mid-Term

82 Daily agenda 1/15/2019 Review Mid-Term Exam as a class
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #29 Sit in your new ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: List 2 classroom expectations that you could improve on and explain how you plan to do that. Agenda Review Mid-Term Exam as a class Homework

83 Daily agenda 1/25/2019 #’s 10-19 Passage 2 of PSAT TEST PRACTICE
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #2 Sit in your new ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What is one challenge you’ve faced as you took part 1 of the PSAT Test Practice? Agenda Passage 2 of PSAT TEST PRACTICE #’s 10-19 Homework

84 Daily agenda 1/29/2019 Common Assessment
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #3 Sit in your new ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: Grab a Chromebook and be ready to take the common assessment Agenda Common Assessment Homework

85 Daily agenda 2/01/2019 PSAT Practice (pg.8 #s 20-28)
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #4 Sit in your new ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What do you think “The Book Thief” will be about? Agenda PSAT Practice (pg.8 #s 20-28) Or Common Assessment. Homework

86 Daily agenda 2/04/2019 PSAT Practice (pg.11 #s 20-29)
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #5 Sit in your new ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: Have you submitted your permission slip for the movie? Agenda PSAT Practice (pg.11 #s 20-29) Homework

87 Daily agenda 2/05/2019 PSAT Practice (pg.11 #s 20-29)
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #6 Sit in your new ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What is one area of weakness that you still feel you can improve on? Agenda PSAT Practice (pg.11 #s 20-29) Homework

88 Daily agenda 2/07/2019 PSAT Practice (pg.11 #s 20-29)
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #7 Sit in your new ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What is one strength that you believe you have improved or developed this year? Agenda PSAT Practice (pg.11 #s 20-29) Homework

89 Daily agenda 2/08/2019 Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #8 Sit in your new ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: How can I (Mr. Yahya) do a better job of helping you be more successful in the classroom? Agenda Watch “The Book Thief” Movie and answer movie questions Homework

90 Daily agenda 2/14/2019 Continue Movie Poster
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #9 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What is one lesson that you learned from the movie? Agenda Continue Movie Poster (Please do not use the chalk) Homework

91 Daily agenda 2/19/2019 PSAT PRACTICE
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #10 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What did you do over the break? Agenda PSAT PRACTICE Homework

92 Daily agenda 2/20/2019 Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #11 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: bayan is cute!!!!!!!! What is dialogue? Agenda The Diary of Anne Frank (Act 1 Scene 1) (Page 510) Homework

93 Daily agenda 2/21/2019 Scene 1 and 2 Questions (page 512)
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #12 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: Who gives Anne Frank her diary? Agenda Scene 1 and 2 Questions (page 512) Homework

94 Daily agenda 2/22/2019 Complete Scene 1 and 2 Questions
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #13 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What must Jews wear on their clothing to signify their religion? Agenda Complete Scene 1 and 2 Questions (pages ) Homework

95 Daily agenda 2/25/2019 Continue Test Practice
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #14 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: When you annotate a text, what are some things you might do? Agenda Continue Test Practice Homework

96 Daily agenda 2/26/2019 Continue Test Practice
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #15 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What is one thing you’ve learned about the holocaust thus far? Agenda Continue Test Practice Homework

97 Daily agenda 2/27/2019 Begin Scene 1 of Act 3 (Open up to page 521)
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #16 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What does Peter bring with him that Anne could not? Agenda Begin Scene 1 of Act 3 (Open up to page 521) Homework

98 Daily agenda 2/28/2019 Complete Scene 1 of Act 3 (Pages 521-532)
Walk-In Directions Find your seat. Begin BW SILENTLY Bell Work BW #17 Sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT and answer the following question: What was Anne’s nickname at school? Agenda Complete Scene 1 of Act 3 (Pages ) Homework


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