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Examining the Accuracy of Nutrient Cycles in Climate Models

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1 Examining the Accuracy of Nutrient Cycles in Climate Models
Lena Dubitsky, Medvigy Research Group

2 Why is understanding soil important?
Decomposition is a vital part of the carbon cycle Releases nitrogen Current decomposition models are mostly untested Goal: examine different models and try to improve accuracy with in-field results

3 Current soil cycles DAYCENT model
- above and below ground are separate processes - 2 litter pools - varying number of soil organic matter pools Current soil cycles Cascade Model - no distinction between above and below ground - 3 litter pools - 3 soil organic matter pools

4 Cascade Carbon Model

5 Methods Simple, 2 pool carbon-only system
Calculate total carbon in each time step Vary decomposition fractions using LIDET data Used LTER Intersite Fine Litter Decomposition Experiment (LIDET), 10 year study in North and Central America Methods

6 Old values for Litter and Soil Organic Matter pools: 0. 7 (LIT1), 0
Old values for Litter and Soil Organic Matter pools: 0.7 (LIT1), (SOM1) New optimized values: (LIT1), (SOM1) Results supported by Bonan (2013) Optimization

7 Final Thoughts Good introduction to Fortran, MATLAB and optimization
Program structure of climate models Challenges of creating realistic results Understanding of how plants utilize carbon and nutrients, how that might change in the future with climate change Think critically about the soil model Final Thoughts

8 Acknowledgements Thanks to Professor Medvigy and his entire research group, Xiangtao, and Kelly

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