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SOL 8: Local Gov’t in Virginia

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1 SOL 8: Local Gov’t in Virginia

2 3 Units of Local Gov’t in Virginia
The units of local gov’t in Virginia are counties, towns and cities. Local gov’t exercises legislative, executive, and judicial powers.

3 Virginia Counties Has an elected Board of Supervisors
Exercises legislative powers, enacting ordinances (local laws), a adopt a budget Has an elected or appointed School Board which oversees the operation of the K-12 public schools in the county. Hires a manager to oversee the operations of the local gov’t

4 Virginia Cities Has an elected city council which exercises legislative powers, enacting ordinances and adopting an annual budget. Has a mayor who is elected by either the voters or the city council. Has an elected or appointed school board which oversees the operation of the K-12 public schools in the city. Hires a manager to oversee the operations of the local gov’t

5 Virginia Towns Has an elected town council which exercises legislative powers, enacting ordinances and adopting an annual budget. Has a mayor who is elected either by the voters or the town council members Hires a manager to oversee the operations of local gov’t

6 Locality: city or county in Virginia
Every Virginia locality has state courts that resolve judicial disputes. Judges of circuit courts, general district courts (small claims) and juvenile and domestic relations courts hear cases in each locality.

7 The Virginia Constitution requires that voters in every locality elect a Sheriff, Clerk of the Circuit Court, a Commissioner of Revenue and a Treasurer

8 Powers of Virginia Local Gov’t
1. enforce state and local laws 2. promote public health 3. protect public safety 4. educate children

9 Powers of Virginia Local Gov’t….continued
5. protect the environment 6. regulate land use 7. levy and collect taxes

10 SOL 8b-Relationship between state and local gov’t
The authority of local gov’t in Virginia is derived from the state. All powers of local governments in Virginia are given to them by the Constitution of Virginia and the General Assembly. Not all counties and cities are given the same powers. Cities have charters listing their powers.

11 SOL 8c: Lawmaking in Virginia local gov’t
Counties, cities and towns adopt and enforce ordinances (local law) to provide services for their residents. Counties: an elected Board of Supervisors is the local legislative body and is responsible for passing laws (ordinances) for the county. Cites and Towns: an elected city or town council is the local legislative body and is responsible for passing laws (ordinances) for the city or town.

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