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Department of Education

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1 Department of Education
Integrating DV into Teacher Preparation NECC 2007 Atlanta, GA Ann C. Cunningham, Ph.D. Department of Education

2 Digital Video with Teacher Candidates
Undergraduate Programs in Elementary and Secondary Video anchors Video in teaching portfolios Graduate Programs in Secondary Video-based reflections

3 Enabling Factors Department-wide commitment to fostering reflective practice Field experiences throughout programs Technology and methods courses aligned Institutional support for technology integration

4 Gallery Walk Initiates DV experience for all candidates

5 Video Anchor Objectives –
To use DV tools to create an inquiry-based instructional tool To teach candidates how to use the DV equipment (camcorders, tripods, microphones, MovieMaker2, check-out procedures) Elementary are used in Field Experiences Secondary are interdisciplinary

6 Teaching Portfolios - Secondary
Objective – To demonstrate how candidates’ teaching relates to the department’s conceptual framework. Video is expected to represent one or more of the dispositions. Video clips are linked to the web-based teaching portfolio.

7 Teaching Portfolios - Elementary
Objective - To demonstrate that candidates’ teaching reflects best practice. Video is collected as evidence to support pedagogical content knowledge. Video clips are linked to slides on a PowerPoint reflective presentation of a lesson.

8 Graduate Video Reflections
Objective – To articulate a teaching philosophy and support it with connections to learning theory, research on practice and standards. Candidates: videotape their philosophy reflections collect supporting teaching video clips edit the video with MM2 video is archived on DVD and mini DV tape

9 Classroom Management Seminar
Objective – To prepare candidates to handle common CM issues during student teaching. Cooperating teachers videotape management issues (eating, cell phone, hats, student fights, etc.) Teachers lead analysis and reflection of videos in seminar setting.

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