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Literature Review Project

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1 Literature Review Project
Astrid Hurtado

2 Sophie’s Choice

3 Why did I choose this book?
It did not seem overly long The title seemed mysterious I had heard about this novel, but had never read it I like period pieces

4 Summary Stingo is a young man that moves to the city to pursue writing
He meets Sophie and Nathan and realizes that they have a very dysfunctional relationship He comforts Sophie after Nathan’s beatings and falls in love with her he tries to take her away to marry her Sophie reveals that she was in a concentration camp and was forced to choose which one of her children would be sent to the gas chambers and which would go to the children’s work camp Sophie runs away and goes back to the city Sophie commits suicide with Nathan

5 Sophie’s Character Analysis
Masochist- punishes herself because she feels guilty for choosing between her 2 children Allows Nathan to beat her Commits suicide because she cannot allow herself to be happy with Stingo Delusional- has to compartmentalize the tragedies of her life because she cannot handle it Lies about her past and makes up stories Grew up with a very strict father that made her submissive Reflected in her personality

6 Nathan’s Character Analysis
Schizophrenic that beats Sophie In his delusions he believes that she is cheating on him Reveals his paranoia Believes that by punishing Sophie he is avenging the genocide that the germans committed Reason why he abuses her Constantly diminishes her

7 Major Themes Forgiveness- Sophie cannot forgive herself for what she did Love- Sophie gave everything up for her children out of love Refused to help in the resistance for their safety Fed them first Loss- Sophie lost her whole family, Stingo lost Sophie Cruelty- the Nazis, her father, and Nathan were cruel to Sophie Abused her whole life

8 Pros Sophie leaving Stingo and dying with Nathan breaks the standard mold of a happy ending Unexpected Strong word choice moves the story along Styron writes in a way that makes you feel connected to the characters

9 Cons Some chapters can drag on Very long novel
First three chapters gave unnecessary backstory on Stingo’s heritage Very long novel

10 Would I recommend this book to you?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I think that William Styron is a very talented writer, but the pacing of this novel was a concern for me. I felt that the beginning took a bit to really develop and the it was only in the last 100 pages or so that my attention was truly captured. This novel posed important thoughts concerning cruelty and love, but overall it was a chore to read. I would not choose this novel again and be “married to it” for a whole year because it took a lot of last minute dedication to finish this novel .

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