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Prefer: A System for the Efficient Execution

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1 Prefer: A System for the Efficient Execution
of Multi-parametric Ranked Queries Vagelis Hristidis Nick Koudas Uannis Papakonstantinou Presented By: Amrita Tamrakar 09-Mar-2006

2 Contents Introduction Importance/Weights of the attributes
The Efficiency and response time ?? Solution View Selection Pipelining Algorithm Conclusion

3 Prefer Prefer is a layer on top of commercial database which allows efficient evaluation of multi-parametric databases. Different attributes may have diff weight House price and bedrooms have more weight than the age. Cheap houses may be old and small (so search more)

4 Importance of Attributes
Preference is the keyword Weights a1 a2 a3 …. an Preference function a1A1+a2A2 +….+Anan Attributes A1 A2 A3 …. An : tuples

5 Prefer Interface

6 Example Tid A1 A2 A3 Score 1 10 17 20 17.2 2 11 17.3 Preference = (0.1,0.6,0.3) , Score 10*0.1+17*0.6+20*0.3

7 Efficiency and Response Time
Retrieve the whole Table Apply the preference function on each tuple Sort the tuples Prf fn Relation Score Sort Top k tuples ……….……….

8 Solution Proposed Ranked Materialized view
10-20 views can have most possible queries Queries with linear preference function ∑ Preference vector v = {v1,} Attribute preference

9 Prefer Architechture Best View for the query Materialized Views
Preprocessing Stage Select Materialized View Best View for the query Materialized Views Execute Pipelining Algorithm Output Results Finding the top k and sorting View Selection

10 View Selection The union of views will cover the whole space
Outputs view sequence V such that for every query q there is at least one view that covers q Greedy view selection algorithm for space constraints Given a set of views { Rv1….Rvn } that covers [0,1]k space, select C views that maximize the number of points in [0,1]k covered.

11 Pipelining Ranked query using
ranked view T = DeteremineWatermark() Scan Rv for tuples greater than T Sort these tuples by fq and mark as processed Continue for unprocessed tuples till top –k is retrieved v R v Rv1 Ranked tuples Query q tqi tq1 R q

12 Example Tid A1 A2 A3 fv(t) fq(t) 1 10 17 20 16.8 17.2 2 11 16.4 17.3 3
Q=(0.1,0.6,0.3) v=(0.2,0.4,0.4) Tid A1 A2 A3 fv(t) fq(t) 1 10 17 20 16.8 17.2 2 11 16.4 17.3 3 18 12 15.4 16.1 4 15 8 9.8 10.1 5 9 6 Rv1 The first watermark= 14.26 Sort by fq Till k tuples are retrieved


14 Conclusion Introduction of database selection queries with user preferences Use of multiple DB views Algorithms to select the best view Practical application via PREFER

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