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Non-communicable Diseases control Experience of Oman

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1 Non-communicable Diseases control Experience of Oman
Dr Sulaiman Al-Shereiqi; MD, MHA, MPH Dept. Non-communicable diseases surveillance & ctrl 1


3 Structure & history of NCD services
Developed in size (from section to full dept.) in 2003 Covered services: - Mainly diabetes - Screening for NCDs - Tobacco control advocating activities - Program for eye and ear health program - Gearing for developing cancer services - Gearing for CVDs (hypertension & stroke) - Developed national strategy (DPAS) - Support for program for mental health Surveillance: cancer & diabetes registries Priority planning with other dept (Nutrition, Hlth Edu, School Hlth) No health accounts to estimate costs

4 Main achievements Implemented a nationwide screening program for some NCD since 2007 National Strategy for diet & PA Maintaining good cancer registry Section responsible for tobacco Ctrl Coordination with GCC countries for NCD control plan to 2025 Currently reforming NCD services inline with HCS vision for health 2050

5 Main challenges Preventive services poorly financed
Identifying common priorities with other concerned departments Getting other stakeholders in action

6 Lessons learned Higher political involvement in setting strategies for NCD control is essential element for success When planning NCD control strategies and implementation plans, carefully consider: - budgeting - human resources - training

7 Lessons learned (cont.)
Healthy cities projects work but require good marketing and funding Screening programs are effective but public acceptance is moderate Tobacco control achieve better with policy changes & taxation NCD intervention programs require focused training programs targeting nursing & nutritionist

8 Next steps Improve institution-based preventive services & develop community-based preventive services Strengthening PHC with specialized diabetes & metabolic synd. Clinics Reform tertiary care for better access & equity Work with other stakeholders to plan to establish community health services Implement the NCD control strategy & DPAS

9 Thank you

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