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ACOE101: Freshman Computer Engineering Fall 2018

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1 ACOE101: Freshman Computer Engineering Fall 2018
Assignment #2: Digital Circuits Date Due: 15/01/2019 Student’s Name: Student ID: Grade Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Total ACOE101 - Fall2018

2 Q1: Draw the logic diagrams for the following expressions :
The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. ACOE101 - Fall2018 Costas Kyriacou

3 Q2: Find the truth table, expression and SoP for the following circuit:
ACOE101 - Fall2018 Costas Kyriacou

4 Q3: Find the truth table, expression and SoP for the following circuit:
ACOE101 - Fall2018 Costas Kyriacou

5 Q4: Fill up the truth table and timing diagram for the circuit below:
The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. ACOE101 - Fall2018 Costas Kyriacou

6 Question 5: Multi-output circuits (2-bit Multiplier)
Design a 4-input (A,B,C,D) digital circuit that will give at its output a binary number equal to the product of the binary numbers formed by the inputs (AB) and (CD). A B C D 2-bit Multiplier S3S2S1S0 = (A1A0) x (B1B0) A1 A0 B1 B0 S3 S2 S1 S0 X Y W Z ACOE101 - Fall2018

7 Question 5: 2-bit Multiplier (Truth table and K-maps)
C D X Y W Z 1 X = Σ(.. CD AB 00 01 11 10 Y = Σ(.. CD AB 00 01 11 10 W = Σ(.. CD AB 00 01 11 10 Z = Σ(.. CD AB 00 01 11 10 ACOE101 - Fall2018

8 Question 5: 2-bit Multiplier (Logic Expressions and Circuit Diagram)
ACOE101 - Fall2018 Costas Kyriacou

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