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Pen Pal Letter with Drawing

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1 Pen Pal Letter with Drawing

2 Pen Pal Letter with Drawing
After the quiz, you will compose a 2 paragraph letter to a pen pal. This ‘pen pal’ is from another country, and it is your job to tell them all about our community. You will also draw a picture representing White Plains (farms, the school, etc.) This is worth 25 points. (Letter 20, drawing 5)

3 Requirements Two COMPLETE paragraphs (5-6 sentences each)
Tell your state, county, the capital of your state, give local landmarks, etc) Tell about events, your friends, and things you like to do. Tell about your favorite movies, actors, books, etc. NO CAPITALIZATION ERRORS!! Letter must have a salutation and closing. Your drawing must be one full page and have NO WHITE SPACE.

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