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The Unity of the Church Part 2

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1 The Unity of the Church Part 2
Ecclesiology The Unity of the Church Part 2

2 Devotion Unquestionably there is a necessary unity of the body in order to maintain its _________________. Each member must recognize and perform its role well or the body is __________. (1 Cor. 12:12-26) The body of Christ whether eternal or local, is not so much loyal to the ______ as to the head of the body. As the body functions as a cohesive whole, it is able to render to its head the devotion and __________ required. Christ is head of the Church and ______ object of its worship. (Col. 1:17,18) The head is more important than the body. The body cannot _______ without the head. Consequently the emphasis must be more upon the ______ than upon the body. At the same time, the body is the object of love by the head, who enables its function. (Col. 2:9-12,18-19) The relationship is intimate, _________, and enduring. Cohesion in the body is the __________ of its relationship to the head.

3 Our Relationship with Christ
Because of devotion to Christ, the emphasis of the church, even in public worship is not upon the external ______ but upon the condition of the heart in loyalty to Christ. Our Relationship with Christ Christ is the great Shepherd of the flock – John 10 Christ is the Vine, we are the branches – John 15 Christ is the chief Cornerstone, we are the building – Eph. 2 Christ is the High Priest, we are a kingdom of priests – Heb. 1-10, Rev. 1,5,20 Christ is the Head, we are the body – Eph. 4,5; Col. 1,2 Christ is the Bridegroom, we are the Bride – Eph. 5, John 3, Mat. 25, Rev. 21,22 Disposition Recognizing our common _______ in Christ, believers should by virtue of the new nature be kindly disposed to each other. Growth in grace should produce a spiritual maturity that recognizes our ___________. (Eph. 4:13)

4 Evidence of Biblical Unity
It is an unconscionable mark of ________ immaturity that would produce the effect of divisions and contentions. (1 Cor. 1:10-13 ; 3:1-10; 11:17-22) By a supreme devotion to the head of the church which results in being conformed to His ___________, it is possible for believers to enjoy a relationship of mutuality. Christ demonstrated ___________ and compassion for others. (Phi. 2:1-8) The church is not a ____________; it is a _________. Evidence of Biblical Unity The bond of love that distinguishes the members from an unsaved world. (John 13:35) Having the same care one for another. (1 Cor. 12:25; Rom. 12:10) Bearing one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. (Gal. 6:2) Disciplining members who are divisive. (Rom. 16:17) Receiving those who are weak. (Rom. 14:1) Tolerance of each other. (Eph. 4:2) Needless to say, this spirit is ___________ among unbelievers because it requires the work of the Holy Spirit to actuate and maintain. The Bible knows __________ of an unregenerated church member! We cannot have an effective unity without a vital ________ with Christ.

5 Direction Without reviewing the subject, the mission of the church, it is important to understand the measure of _______________ that permits the accomplishment of that mission. Believers are privileged to use their individual gifts and talents for the mutual advancement of the cause of Christ. ___________ is not a hindrance; it is an ________. (1 Cor. 12:4-7) The sheer ________ of Christ honoring work accomplished by a cohesive body of believers is delightful to behold. As each sublimates his own personality for the _______ of the whole, the body becomes recognizable, even by the unsaved as a true representation of Christ in the world. That representation is critical. (2 Cor. 5:18-21)

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