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Gas exchange Airway no gas exchange CO2 O2 flow.

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1 Gas exchange Airway no gas exchange CO2 O2 flow

2 Anatomical dead space VD Anat = 1 ml/lb body wt. airway
room air start insp end insp end exp CO2 O2 No gas exchange (white) in anatomical dead space flow

3 Minute Ventilation: Correction for VD Anat:
VE = breathing frequency (f) x tidal volume (VT) 5 L/min = 10/min x ml Correction for VD Anat: VE = f x (VT – VD anat) 3.5 L/min = 10/min x (500 – 150) ml

4 Estimating anatomical dead space
Volume x Fraction = Mass of Gas Mass of Gas of VT = sum of gas masses of VA and VD end exp VD VT VT x FECO2 = VA x FACO2 + VD X FDCO2 VA Since FDCO2 = 0 VA = (VT x FECO2) / ( FACO2) Since VA = VT - VD VD = (FACO2 - FECO2) FACO2 VT

5 Partial pressure of a gas
Dalton’s Law: in a mixture of gases, partial pressure (Pgas) of each gas contributes additively to total pressure (PB) in proportion to the gas’s fractional volume (Fgas) Pgas = PB x Fgas

6 Alveolar PO2 is < Inspired PO2
21% H2O 14% CO2 dry room air inspired air alveolar gas PO PCO PH2O (37oC) PN Total (mmHg)

7 Henry’s Law: at equilibrium, gas pressure above a liquid equals gas pressure in the liquid
PO2, gas = 100 mmHg PO2, blood = 100

8 Alveolar gas partial pressures determine blood gas tensions
flow CO2 O2 PCO2, blood =40 PCO2, alv =40 PO2, alv =100 PO2, blood =100 alveolus

9 Blood gas tension determines blood gas content
Concentration of gas dissolved per liter of blood (C) depends on gas solubility (a) and Pgas in blood CO2 = a x PO2, blood a, Solubility coefficient (ml O2/[liter.mmHg]) CO2 = x = 3 ml O2/liter of blood = 0.3 ml O2/100ml of blood Dissolved gas

10 The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
100 HbO2 saturation (%) 50 PO2, blood

11 The O2 carrying capacity of blood = Hgb-bound O2 + dissolved O2
PO2, alv dissolved O2 in blood PO2, blood HgbO2 saturation = 1.34 ml at 100% O2 content in 1 liter of blood at PO2, blood of 100 mmHg = (HgbO2 sat [%] x 1.34 x [Hgb]) + (.03 x PO2, blood) = (0.98 x 1.34 x 150 [g/l]) + 3 = 200 ml O2/liter of blood

12 How tissues get O2 O2 O2 alveolus alveolus tissue tissue PO2, alv =100
100 50 ~30% PO2, blood HgbO2 saturation (%) O2 flow PO2, blood =100 tissue PO2, tissue 10 O2 40 40 50 100 PO2, blood

13 Low pH unloads O2 better O2 O2 alveolus pH alveolus tissue tissue pH
PO2, alv =100 alveolus 100 50 ~50% tissue PO2, blood HbO2 saturation (%) pH O2 flow PO2, blood =100 tissue PO2, tissue 10 O2 pH 40 40 50 100 PO2, blood

14 The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
100 HbO2 saturation (%) pH pH 50 PO2, blood

15 The pulmonary circulation
CO2 Pulmonary capillaries Pulmonary artery Pulmonary vein LA RV tissue

16 PVR is <<< SVR
= (Ppa – Pla) / CO = 2 units O2 CO2 Pulmonary capillaries Ppa = 20 Pla = 10 LA Pao = 200 RV Pra = 0 CO = 5 SVR = (Pao – Pra) / CO = 40 units tissue Note: pressures are ‘mean’ and in cmH2O. CO is 5 L/min.

17 The lung has low vascular resistance

18 The lung has low vascular tone
pressure lung flow kidney flow autoregulation time

19 Systemic capillaries

20 Lung capillaries Alveolar wall

21 Lung capillaries Alveolus

22 The lung’s low vascular resistance is due to
Low vascular tone Large capillary compliance

23 PA enters mid lung height
30 cm PA

24 Gravity determines highest blood flow at lung base
End expiration Ppa Pla (cmH2O) -10 cm Palv = 0 10 5 0 cm 20 10 30 20 +10 cm

25 Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
PO2 = 100 mmHg hypoxia 100 40 100 40 100 40 40 PO2

26 Capillary filtration determines lung water content
alveolus lymphatic capillary

27 The Starling equation describes capillary filtration
alveolus Pc Pi FR = Lp x S [ (Pc – Pi) – s (Pc – Pi) ] FR filtration rate S capillary surface area Pc capillary pressure Pi interstitial pressure s reflection coefficient Pc plasma colloid osmotic pressure Pi interstitial colloid osmotic pressure

28 Keeping the alveoli “dry”: Large capillary pressure drop
20 Pressure (cmH2O) 15 s (Pc – Pi) 10 PA Capillary bed LA s (Pc – Pi) = .8 (30 – 12)

29 Keeping the alveoli “dry”: Perivascular cuff formation
alveolus vascular cuffing

30 Perivascular cuffs in early pulmonary edema
Normal lung Early pulmonary edema

31 The ultimate insult: alveolar flooding

32 active liquid transport
Keeping the alveoli “dry”: active transport removes alveolar liquid NaCl alveolar space NaCl transporter active liquid transport Na-K pump Na K Cl interstitium

33 SUMMARY Features of the pulmonary circulation designed for efficient gas exchange: 1. Accommodate the cardiac output * low vascular tone * high capillary compliance

34 SUMMARY Features of the pulmonary circulation designed for efficient gas exchange: 2. Keep filtration low near alveoli * low Pc * vascular interstitial sump

35 SUMMARY Features of the pulmonary circulation designed for efficient gas exchange: 3. Keep liquid out of the alveoli * active transport * high resistance epithelium

36 Control of Breathing Central neurons determine minute ventilation (VE) by regulating tidal volume (VT) and breathing frequency (f). VE = VT x f

37 Neural Control of Breathing – Respiratory neurons
VRG pons medulla DRG

38 Neural Control of Breathing – The efferent pathway
muscle supply autonomic Phrenic n.

39 Central chemoreceptors
Control of Breathing by Central chemoreceptors Central chemoreceptors CO2, H+ major regulators of breathing CO2, H+ Central chemoreceptors Resp neurons VE

40 Chemical Control of Breathing –
Peripheral chemoreceptors IXth n. Carotid body O2 ~10% contribution to breathing CO2 pH

41 CO2 drives ventilation VE 50 5 35 40 45 CO2 tension in blood (L/min)
hypercapnia VE (L/min) quiet breathing 5 CO2 tension in blood (mm Hg)

42 Hypoxia is a weak ventilatory stimulus
blood pO2 = 50 mmHg 50 blood pO2 = 100 mmHg VE (L/min) 5 CO2 tension in blood (mm Hg)

43 Reflex Control of Breathing – Neural receptors
Airway Receptors: Slowly adapting (stretch - ends inspiration) Rapidly adapting (irritants - cough) Bronchial c-fiber (vascular congestion - bronchoconstriction) Xth n. afferents Parenchymal c-fiber (irritants - bronchoconstriction)

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