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Assessed for eligibility (n=71)

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1 Assessed for eligibility (n=71)
Supplemental Figure 1. Enrollment Assessed for eligibility (n=71) Randomized (n=71) Allocation Allocated to Dapagliflozin (n=36) Allocated to Pioglitazone (n=35) Follow-Up No lost to follow up Adverse events (n=2) No lost to follow up Adverse events (n=1) Analysis 36 completed 24 week follow-up observation 35 completed 24 week follow-up observation

2 Supplemental Figure 2. ⊿Body weight (kg) ⊿Body weight (kg)
r = 0.16, p = 0.35 r = 0.43, p < 0.05 ⊿HbA1c (%) ⊿HbA1c (%) Dapagliflozin Pioglitazone

3 Supplemental Figure 3. A B
⊿NT-proBNP (pg/mL) ⊿NT-proBNP (pg/mL) r = , p < 0.01 r = , p < 0.05 Baseline log converted ACR (log mg/g) Baseline NT-proBNP (pg/mL)

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