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Integrating Climate Change and Gender into Domestic Budgets

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1 Integrating Climate Change and Gender into Domestic Budgets
Joanne Manda Global NDC Conference 2019

2 Regional Programme – Phase 2, 5 years – 2017-2021 (Sweden)
How do we ensure that climate finance is transforming development overall and building resilience? How do we ensure that money is well spent, and hence maximizing its impact and effectiveness for CC and gender? How do we strengthen the use of country systems?


4 Moving towards transformation of the budget
Integrated Climate Change Financing Frameworks Budget tracking and reporting Budget formulation Advocacy briefs Civil society Parliament The reveal The advocacy The reforms The integration Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review Climate Budget Integration Index Sequencing of interventions

5 What Are we learning?

6 Developing Policies is not Enough!
Despite official endorsement of national climate change and gender policies and plans, implementation is proving to be a challenge. Policies needs to: Be aligned and feed into national development strategy processes and vice versa. Inform and be integrated into sector policies and vice versa. Inform and be integrated into other cross-cutting issues and vice versa Inform and be integrated into sub-national policies and vice versa. Be costed and integrated into a country’s medium and long term fiscal and expenditure framework. Translate into concrete allocations in national and sub-national budgets. Monitored and Evaluated. Audited and Overseen. Auditor General, Parliament and CSOs. Most CPEIRs found that the link between climate change policies and programmes with national development plans was unclear and led to difficulties in presenting evidence how national development priorities as poverty reduction and climate change were translated into sector plans and budgets. The links between policy and spending are weak. In only one case, are there clear indications through the CPEIRs, that the countries are budgeting their climate change policies. In all other countries, the CPEIRs found that climate change policies are only partially budgeted for or not at all.

7 We need a Whole-of-Government Approach
Min Finance Min Environment/ CC Min of Planning (equiv) Min of Local Government Parliament Broadening the ownership of climate change response and making responses to CC more systematic CC as cross-cutting – cannot be see in silos. And cross-government, and institutional coordination is a challenge. We will work with those key departments with finance/budget departments, and also, linking with planning, not necessarily all the ministries. Sector Ministries Sub-national governments

8 Traditional budget system and Climate Change
Mitigation Adaptation BUDGET GFS classification Climate Policy Climate Needs

9 Where are the entry points?

10 Public Finance integrating CC and GE concerns
CSOs, Think tanks, Media and Communities 7/14/2019 Project Appraisal Guidelines requires integration of CC/GE concerns: usage of nationally approved CC scenarios, CVAs CC-adjusted CB, co-benefits in planning templates submitted to Planning Commission Performance Audits/Compliance Audits report to Parliament and/or PAC-PAC conducts sessions to discuss reports Public Programs a Parliament Planning Budget Formulation Approval Procurement Treasury Accounting Monitoring and Reporting Auditing e.g. Budget Circular requires line ministries to identify CC/GE dimension and CC/GE relevance of projects and linkages with NCCAP in their Budget Submissions Climate/GR KPIs =Budget Negotiations =Budget Allocations e.g. Progress reports versus NCCAPs and N GEPs and Targets Climate change and GE expenditure reports Public Finance integrating CC and GE concerns e.g allocations and expenditures that integrate CC and/or GE concerns are tagged in budget and information systems (FMIS…) Budget Hearings in Committees informed by Budge Briefs on CC Finance and Gender Budget Speech makes reference to CC and Gender and Enactment e.g. Green and Climate Change Compatible Procurement Law and Guidelines

MoF Mainstreaming gender Using already established systems CSOs Research Advocacy KPIs Line Ministries

12 Our Approach System reforms e.g. Budget Tagging
Expenditure reports on climate related investments that include analysis of impacts on gender and poverty Budget Tagging Bangladesh - Climate Public Finance Tracking Methodology integrating gender??? Indonesia - extending to Adaptation, CBT Handbook Pacific Island PFM donor roundtable provides an entrée for introducing climate change and gender considerations into broader PFM reform programmes Expenditure reports on climate related investments that include analysis of impacts on gender and poverty Indonesia  - 1st annual report on national CC expenditure Change Indicator to Sector Ministries Report on Key Performance Indicators Holding government to account No Targets for this period Tonga - parliamentary standing committee Fiji – Parliamentary briefs for 2018/19 budget Bangladesh - CC addenda to government auditing standards, audit code and the performance audit manual Holding government to account

13 Our Approach Bridging the gap between the evidence on the gender impact of CC and budget planning and formulation across sectors Introduce climate change and gender mainstreaming requirements and relevant instruments in the strategic entry points of the planning and budgeting cycle Support the design of gender responsive, climate change adaptive budgets through the preparation of quality planning templates and budget submissions to Planning Commissions and Ministries of Finance Deepen and systematize climate change and gender mainstreaming in policy implementation plans of the countries where we are working

14 A word on Monitoring and Evaluation:
Are Public Investments identified as Climate and/or GE Relevant actually contributing to mitigation and adaptation and/or Gender Equality effectively? A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework that allows the impact assessment of the expenditures both in terms of GHG reduction and resilience building for both men and women over the medium and long term. The SAI could conduct performance audits on projects claiming CC and/or GE impacts as well as validate the CC/GE expenditure reports and their methodology. Audits could be submitted to Parliament and discussed in the Public Accounts Committee and inform next round of CC/GE Planning and Budgeting by Government and how to better build synergies between the two.

15 CHALLENGES PFM systems – lack of flexibility to integrated approaches
Long gestation of PFM reforms - sustainability Difficulty feeding evidence from collaborative research into budget formulation Rotation of reform champions

16 Some Practical Examples from: Nepal Tonga and Fiji

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