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Chlorophyll concentration (conc

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1 Chlorophyll concentration (conc
Chlorophyll concentration (conc.) of wild-type (WT) and fa light-grown leaves or those kept in darkness for 8 d. Chlorophyll concentration (conc.) of wild-type (WT) and fa light-grown leaves or those kept in darkness for 8 d. A, Chlorophyll a. B, Chlorophyll b. C, Total chlorophyll. 8d = 8-d dark treatment. Three separate repetitions were performed for each treatment. Different letters represent a significant difference as determined using the Tukey HSD test (P < 0.05). Numbers at the bottom of the columns indicate the sample size. D, Representative scanning of leaves following senescence treatment, digitally extracted for comparison. Bar = 2 cm. Boaz Negin et al. Plant Physiol. 2019;180: ©2019 by American Society of Plant Biologists

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