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Public Speaking 101.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Speaking 101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Speaking 101

2 What makes someone a great speaker?

3 What are common mistakes that people make while publicly speaking?

4 While watching the videos, jot down some of the things you see speakers doing that interfere with the effectiveness of their message. Write them down in a list.

5 Turn to a partner What was the most distracting mistake made out of those in the two videos? Discuss with a partner which you think was most distracting. Try to come to a consensus on one, but if you can’t, make sure you know why you thought different things.

6 Distracting hand signals or fidgeting
The Ummm game I’m going to give you a topic. This is a game to see how long we can discuss a topic without using: Filler words Distracting hand signals or fidgeting Avoiding eye contact or looking down too much

7 The environment and humanity’s impact on it
Topic 1: The environment and humanity’s impact on it

8 Kittens versus Puppies
Topic 2: Kittens versus Puppies

9 Topic 3: Your favorite types of media compared to others (movies, books, television, art), including favorite examples from each and which types are better.

10 Topic 4: Arguing for or against technology and its’ usefulness or danger to our society.

11 Topic 5: Your largest role models or people who had a large impact on you and how.

12 Partner Drills Find a partner. Sit or stand across from them and choose a topic to speak about with them. It can be anything, like what you did this weekend. Time each other speaking for at least 3 minutes, and record if you have a phone. Peer one: focus on speaking naturally Peer two: focus on identifying where your peer’s weaknesses are. Filler words (um, like, so) Hand gestures (too much or too little) Lack of eye contact Too loud/ too soft Too fast/ too slow Monotone or lack of enthusiasm in speaking

13 Reflection On your notes, answer: What are your weaknesses/strengths that you found out about with your peer? What things did they notice about your speaking that you might want to work on? How might these weaknesses differ when presenting 1-on-1 versus to a large group of people?

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