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Reception Welcome Meeting

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1 Reception Welcome Meeting
Mrs. Fallows (Mon-Wed) Mrs. Forlani (Thurs-Fri) Miss Durston(Mon-Fri) School ethos: “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”

2 Behaviour and routines
Label everything! Behaviour chart and Good to be Green Day-to-day routines- becoming independent Hang up own coats. Book bags in coloured boxes Currently sit on carpet and look at a book We will move onto completing different activities at tables (e.g hand writing, name writing , turn taking games) We will begin to attend whole school assemblies We begin practising changing for PE soon.

3 Homework Reading – books are changed once a week and a minimum of two books are given. Key words are also provided and we will assess the children regularly and give out new words as required. Please sign and comment in the reading record. Your input can help your child make great progress in their reading. Please try and read with your child every night. It does make a difference. Reading race track in cloakroom – rewards for reading We ask that children take their reading book and reading record home at the end of every day for the opportunity to read at home. Reading books and records should be brought into school every day. Please can children also make sure that their PE kit remains in school. They can be taken home every half term.

4 Tapestry A great way to see what your child is learning in school.
Please comment/like observations. We love to hear your comments. Please up load pictures and videos of days out/birthdays/ family occasions etc. We will share these with the class and the children love talking about what they’ve done at home. Snuggles and Cuddles – please upload pictures onto tapestry. You can add a comment if you like so we can support your child explaining what they’ve

5 Snuggles and Cuddles Given out on Wednesday. Please return to school on a Monday. Take pictures of the bear over the weekend and upload the pictures onto tapestry. Going to the park, baking cakes at home, showing him around your house, any outings you’ve been on etc. Your child will then talk about the pictures and what they’ve done with the bear to the whole class. You will then be invited into school the following week to chat about your child’s progress. (This is instead of the parents evenings held in school)

6 Home/school agreement

7 Pupil Premium The Government awards pupil premium funding to families that receive the qualifying incomes as follows: Income support (IS); Income Based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA); Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA(IR); support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; Child Tax Credit, provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) that does not exceed £16,190; The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit. If you have recently become unemployed or have reduced your working hours and have been granted the four week working tax credits run on, then you may be entitled to pupil premium. Please pop into the office for further information or advice.

8 Benefits for you and your child
It is up to each school to decide how best to use this funding and at Christ the King we use the pupil premium for the following: providing intervention programmes to improve attainment and social and emotional well being; improving children’s capacity to engage in learning through the support of the learning mentor improving inclusion, by offering access to wider curriculum within our local partnerships; working with families to support engagement in learning; support to enable children to participate in music lessons to subsidise school trips and residentials Families who are successful in receiving the Pupil Premium will receive a £20.00 Tesco voucher.

9 To apply For school to receive this, parents must register their child for free school meals by calling the Free School Meals team on School will still receive the premium, even if the child does not take up the free school meal. Or There are forms on your table. Please fill them out and hand them to your class teacher or alternatively hand them in to Mrs Forbes at the office. The collected forms will be sent off to Cheshire East and they will assess who is eligible.

10 Even if you think you are not eligible, please fill in the form.
Important Children who are eligible for pupil premium will not be highlighted. Other children will not be aware of this. If you apply for school dinners it doesn’t mean your child has to have the meal. Even if you think you are not eligible, please fill in the form.

11 Any Questions? Please have a look around the classroom and feel free to ask us any questions.

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