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Recognising Sepsis Ellie Hayter Deputy Chief Nurse, Adult Services Anne-Marie Hartley Quality and Patient Safety Improvement Nurse Sussex Community NHS.

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Presentation on theme: "Recognising Sepsis Ellie Hayter Deputy Chief Nurse, Adult Services Anne-Marie Hartley Quality and Patient Safety Improvement Nurse Sussex Community NHS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recognising Sepsis Ellie Hayter Deputy Chief Nurse, Adult Services Anne-Marie Hartley Quality and Patient Safety Improvement Nurse Sussex Community NHS Trust

2 Recognising Sepsis Background
Recognition of sepsis was a common theme from serious incident investigations Recognising the potential impact of lower level infection Staff did not feel confident in recognition of sepsis-subtle signs First assessor may be a therapist or non registered support worker There was not a clear management pathway for early detection of sepsis Previous recognition of deterioration training was in place but no specific focus on sepsis

3 Recognising Sepsis Objectives Improved patient outcomes
Improve staff knowledge, skills and confidence in recognition of deterioration / sepsis Clear management pathway for sepsis for community (in the home) and community bedded units Improved patient safety & organisational assurance/ Reduction in incidents relating to lack of recognition of sepsis Process should be complementary to local urgent care providers

4 Recognising Sepsis Plan
Design pathways and guidance for non-registered staff (Use and adaptation of sepsis trust guidance & code yellow) Build in variance between community (at home) and inpatient settings Identify training needs and adapt existing Deteriorating Patient course. Phased roll out of training programme Promote awareness at locality harm-free care meetings Evaluate outcomes 6 months and 1 year after implementation

5 THINK SEPSIS All staff

6 Sepsis Pathway for in-home Care

7 Community Hospitals Sepsis Pathway

8 Community Hospitals Sepsis Care Pathway Action

9 Recognising Sepsis Next steps:
Continue phased roll out of Deteriorating patient training alongside the pathways Embed NEWS for at home services: access to portable pulse oximeters Evaluate pathway effectiveness: transfer records show implementation of pathway and earlier recognition of sepsis Falls Prevention training will include the link between falls and infection (usually urinary/chest) as an early sign of deterioration to prevent potential sepsis Community Children’ services- developing modified PEWS for children and young adults at home. Single Point of Access (OneCall) triage and screening algorithm for sepsis

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