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Supervision and Discipline

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Presentation on theme: "Supervision and Discipline"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervision and Discipline

2 Supervision What is the ultimate purpose of supervision?
What is the role of supervision in the mission of leadership? Supervision goes hand-in-hand with mentoring...

3 Steps of Effective Supervision:
Set clear standards… What exactly do you want? Continue to elaborate DO NOT micromanage Trust is the cornerstone Provide suggestions and guidance Personal Philosophy

4 Accountability: What is it?
“Hold your people accountable” VB Accountability: What is it? Holding your people to standards is a part of caring for them Clearly define your standards Hold yourself accountable Build a personal relationship

5 Discipline: Why is it necessary? Were you clear in your expectations?
Know the context Discipline should always have a constructive purpose. How can they improve? Emotion has no influence on discipline Build a personal relationship

6 What is the “Discipline Sandwich”?

7 Discipline Sandwich in Context:
What are the pros of the discipline sandwich? What are the cons of the discipline sandwich? Spirit of the law. What is your training purpose? Humiliation has no training purpose KNOW YOUR PEOPLE “ And can provide proof for all my methods” Ethos of an ATS Cadet

8 Recap Make your standards clear and fair
Hold your people accountable to them Use discipline as a tool, not a punishment

9 Questions?

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