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Published byVirgil Walton Modified over 5 years ago
Prosapip1-Dependent Adaptations In The Nucleus Accumbens Drive Alcohol Intake, Seeking And Reward
Sophie Laguesse1, Nadege Morisot1, Feng Liu1, Marcelo Lopez2, Khanhky Phamluong1, William C Griffin2, Howard Becker2, Kevin Bender1 and Dorit Ron1 1 Department of Neurology, Alcohol Center for Translational Genetics, University of California San Francisco, CA 94143 2 Charleston Alcohol Research Center, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC 29425 Model of excessive alcohol drinking Introduction RNA-seq Hypothesis and aims Deptor Pras40 the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is a macromolecular complex localized at dendrites that plays a role in synaptic plasticity by promoting the translation of synaptic proteins (Buffington et al, Ann Rev Neurosci, 2014). mTORC1 phosphorylates its downstream effectors the ribosomal S6 Kinase (S6K) and the 4E-binding protein (4E-BP), both proteins being involved in the assembly of the translation initiation complex (Lipton and Sahin, Neuron, 2014) We previously showed that excessive alcohol consumption activates the H-Ras/ PI3K/AKT signaling in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), which leads to the activation of mTORC1 (Neasta et al, PNAS, 2010; Ben Hamida et al, J Neurosci, 2012). Rapamycin, a specific inhibitor of mTORC1, inhibits rodents alcohol seeking and drinking (Neasta et al, PNAS, 2010). Hypothesis mTORC1-dependent translation of synaptic proteins contributes to neuroadaptations that underlie alcohol drinking behaviors Intermittent access 20% alcohol two-bottle choice drinking paradigm Water + Vehicle Rapamycin Alcohol Polysomal RNA mRNA purification AAAA 3’ fragmentation Deptor Pras40 mTORC1 M W F Days Weeks 1 - 7 8 P P NAc isolation cDNA library Aim Identification by RNA-seq and characterization of proteins whose translation is controlled by mTORC1 in the NAc after alcohol consumption Polysomal RNA purification A+W 24h W only Withdrawal Rapamycin 3h Binge Translation Initiation Factor Complex AAAA m7G Illumina Hiseq High-throughput sequencing Alignment& data analysis RNA-seq analysis Ref gene mRNA translation Results 1. RNA-seq identified Prosapip1 as downstream target of mTORC1 2. Alcohol consumption increases Prosapip1 protein levels 3. Alcohol consumption promotes F-actin assembly via Prosapip1 shProsap G F CTL CIE SCR Actin Prosapip1 Alcohol increase Prosapip1 translation in the NAc in a mTORC1-dependent manner ** G-actin CTL Prosap 25 50 75 100 d a CTL Prosap ** F-actin F/G-Actin/Actin (%of the control) 50 100 150 200 a G F G F CTL Prosapip1 Actin Water Alcohol (B) Prosapip1 GAPDH Total homogenate Prosapip1/GAPDH (% of the control) W B *** 50 100 150 200 Synaptic fraction ** Prosapip1/Actin (% of the control) 50 100 150 200 RNA-seq qRT-PCR b Water Alcohol (B) Prosapip1 Actin Prosapip1 FPKM 10 20 30 40 * ** W+V W+R A+V A+R 100 200 300 * ** Prosapip1/ GAPDH (% of control) 20 40 60 80 100 120 (%of the control) F-Actin/Actin F-actin Water CIE ** 500 mm F-actin ** F/G-Actin/Actin (%of the control) SCR shProsap 50 100 150 ** G-actin SCR shProsap 50 100 150 b G F G F SCR shProsapip1 Actin Prosapip1 CTL+SCR CTL+shProsap CIE+SCR CIE+shProsap c Water Alcohol (WD) Prosapip1 GAPDH ** Total homogenate Prosapip1/GAPDH (% of the control) W WD 50 100 150 200 ** Synaptic fraction Prosapip1/Actin (% of the control) W WD 50 100 150 200 20 40 60 80 100 120 (%of the control) G-Actin/Actin G-actin Water CIE ** W B ** F-actin F/G-Actin/Actin (%of the control) 50 100 150 *** G-actin W B 25 50 75 100 e c G F G F Water Alcohol (B) Actin Prosapip1 d Water Alcohol (WD) Prosapip1 Actin F- and G-actin contents were determined by western blot in the NAc after (a) lentivirus-mediated Prosapip1 overexpression, (b) lentivirus-mediated Prosapip1 knockdown and (c) alcohol binge drinking (B). (d) NAc were infused with lentivirus delivering shRNA against Prosapip1 (shProsap) or a scrambled sequence (SCR). Mice underwent 2 weeks of Chronic Intermittent Exposure (CIE) to alcohol vapors whereas controls had air exposure (CTL). F- and G-actin contents were determined 24 hours after the last CIE exposure. n=4. **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. After 7-8 weeks of IA-2BC, NAc were removed after binge drinking of alcohol (B) (a,b) or after 24 hours of Withdrawal (WD) (c,d). Prosapip1 protein levels were determined by western blot in the total homogenate (a, c) or in the purified crude synaptic fraction (b,d). n=4 water, 5 alcohol. **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 (a) Prosapip1 Fragment per Kilobase of transcript per Million mapped reads (FPKM) value from RNA-seq. n=3 (b) Quantitative Real-time PCR determined prosapip1 polysomal mRNA levels. n= 5.*p<0.05, **p<0.01. Conclusions 4. Prosapip1 contributes to alcohol-dependent structural plasticity 5. Prosapip1 drives alcohol self-administration and contributes to alcohol reward Ribosomes G-Actin mTORC1 pS6K p4EBP a a b M W F M-F Days Weeks 1 - 7 8 - 11 Surgery Active lever Operant chamber Inactive Alcohol IA2BC SA SCR shProsapip1 Water Alcohol M W F Days Weeks 1 - 4 5 Surgery IA2BC A+W Dissection (Binge) 6-8 A 9 4h No Alcohol b c d SCR shProsapip1 Alcohol (or saline) Saline Pre-cond. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 Conditioning Post-cond. Days Surgery -24 8 9 30 60 90 120 Lever press * 2 4 6 8 10 Frequency of active press * k 40 80 120 30 60 90 Time (min) Cumulative active press * mTORC1 g d 5 10 15 Spine density Spines/10μm ns Water Alcohol c 0.5 1.0 1.5 Spine length Spine length (μm) ns Water Alcohol Spines subtypes 20 40 60 *** ** Filopodia Thin Stubby Mushroom * % of spines p4EBP pS6K e f g P P 4 8 12 16 Frequency of port visit * 50 100 150 200 Port visit * 40 80 120 50 100 150 200 Time (min) * Cumulative port visit Saline+SCR Alcohol+SCR Saline+shProsap Alcohol+shProsap Ribosomes Prosapip1 l 100 200 300 400 500 CPP score (s) * *** Alcohol e f h Prosapip1 i j Head diameter (μm) Head diameter 0.2 0.4 0.6 *** Water Alcohol Spine area (μm2) spine area 0.5 1.0 1.5 *** ** Water Alcohol 40 80 120 9 18 27 36 alcohol delivery Cumulative * 1 2 3 4 Frequency of alcohol delivery * 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Alcohol consumed (g/kg/2h) * F-Actin Behavioral Adaptations In absence of alcohol, mTORC1 shows a basal activity in the NAc. Excessive alcohol drinking activates mTORC1 in the NAc, resulting in an increased translation of Prosapip1 mRNA. Prosapip1 accumulation promotes F-actin assembly that results in the enlargement of dendritic spines, which in turn promotes alcohol seeking, drinking, and reinforces alcohol rewarding effects. (a) Mice underwent IA20%-2BC for 7-8 weeks and were trained to self-administer alcohol in operant chambers. NAc were infused with lentivirus delivering shRNA against Prosapip1 (shProsap) or a scrambled sequence (SCR), and, self-administration was resumed. (b) number of active and inactive lever presses on the last self-administration session. (c, f, i) Cumulative number, (d,g,j) Frequency of (b-d) active lever press, (e-g) port visits and (h-j) alcohol delivery. (k) 4 weeks after Ltv infusion, mice underwent CPP experiment. (l) CPP score is expressed as the time spent in the drug-paired compartment during the post-conditioning test minus the time spent on the pre-conditioning test. n=10. *p<0.05 (a-b) After 4 weeks of IA20%-2BC, NAc were infused with Ltv-shProsapip1 or Ltv-SCR at low titer (1X10*5pg/mL). Mice underwent 3 more weeks of IA-2BC. After the last binge drinking, the dendritic spine morphology of shell GFP-positive MSNs was analyzed : spine density (c), spine length (d), spine head diameter (e) and spine area (f). (g) Percentage of Filopodia, Thin, Stubby and Mushroom-type spines in MSNs of the NAc shell. This work was supported by NIH P50 AA (D.R.) and the Belgian American Educational Foundation (S.L.)
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