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Human Relations Theory by Elton Mayo

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1 Human Relations Theory by Elton Mayo
K.Joji VI sem, Principles of public administration

2 Elton Mayo  Elton Mayo (1880 – 1949) was an Australian psychologist, an industrial researcher and an academic organizational management scientist. His conducted studies, together with the Hawthorne studies, became the base for his lifelong breaking theories on Human Relations and scientific management.

3 Meaning of Human Relations
Human relations are the study of the ways in which people relate to each other in group situations, espe­cially work, and how communication skills and sensitivity to other people’s feelings can be improved.  Definitions of Human Relation-- According to Keith Davis ‘human relations deals with motivating people in organizations to develop teamwork which effectively fulfills their objectives and achieves organizational objectives’.

4 Scott Definition-- In the words of Scott, ‘human relations is a process of an effective motivation of individuals in a given situation in order to achieve a balance of objectives which will yield greater human satisfaction and help accomplish company goals’.

5 Origins Human Relations Theory
The immediate period after World War Two saw a different approach in organisational studies. Until that time, there was only talk of Scientific Management, which mainly focused on productivity, efficient division of labour and workers as an extension of machinery.

6 Elton Mayo is considered the founder of the Human Relations Theory.
Elton Mayo and his assistants, including Fritz Roetlishberger, conducted research into changing working conditions. They experimented with light, duration of breaks and working hours. A group of women were exposed to either more or less light. It turned out that, regardless of the amount and duration of lighting, this had a positive effect on their performances. 

7 Personal Attention The group of workers who were involved in the search felt their voices heard and experienced a feeling of greater personal freedom. The workers were pleased that their assistance was requested, which they believed led to their higher job performances. Moreover, during the study, senior officials regularly visited the workplace, making the workers feel like they belonged to a certain elite group. This personal attention stimulated the group to work even harder together and give their all for the organisation. Collaboration in an informal group is also one of the main aspects of the Human Relations Theory.

8 Elton Mayo quotes What social and industrial research has not sufficiently realized as yet is that… minor irrationalities of the “average normal” person are cumulative in their effect. They may not cause “breakdown” in the individual but they do cause “breakdown” in the industry.” “Defeat takes the form of ultimate disillusion — a disgust with the futility of endless pursuit.”

9 ----Elton Mayo quotes “The problem is not that of the sickness of an acquisitive society; it is that of the acquisitiveness of a sick society.” “If our social skills (that is, our ability to secure co-operation between people) had advanced step by step with our technical skills, there would not have been another European War.”

10 Elton Mayo quotes “Management, in any continuously successful plant, is not related to single workers but always to working groups. In every department that continues to operate, the workers have whether aware of it or not formed themselves into a group with appropriate customs, duties, routines, even rituals ; and management succeeds (or fails) in proportion as it is accepted without reservation by the group as authority and leader.”

11 Elton Mayo quotes “One friend, one person who is truly understanding, who takes the trouble to listen to us as we consider our problem, can change our whole outlook on the world.” “We have in fact passed beyond that stage of human organization in which effective communication and collaboration were secured by established routines of relationship.”

12 Human Relations The main characteristics of human relations are as follows: 1. Human relations are an important process through which an individual’s attitude and work are integrated with a view to achieving a willing cooperation on their part in the achievement of the interests of an organization as a whole.

13 Human Relations--- 2. Members of the organization contribute their bit to get individual and group satisfaction. 3. The satisfaction desired by employees may be economic, social and psychological. 4. Human relations in an organization are a process of improving motivation by proper working condition, training programmes, timely payment of wages and incentives etc.

14 Human Relations 5. Human relations are an integrated approach derived from different disciplines such as psychol­ogy, sociology, economics and management. 6. Human relations are all pervasive; they are required in business and non-business organizations, small and large organizations, and at all levels. 7. Human relations are a continuous activity. 8. Human relations are a goal-oriented and focused approach.

15 Conclusion Mayo’s work was a turning point in the development of management thought. His work challenged the basic postulates of the classical approach. His studies revealed the over-whelming signifi­cance of human and social factors in industry. He is rightly called the ‘Founder of the Human Relations Approach’ to management.

16 Thank You By K.JOJI Head of the Department of Political Science
D.K.Government Autonomous College for Women,Nellore

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