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Analytical Surface Charge Method for Rotated Permanent Magnets

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Presentation on theme: "Analytical Surface Charge Method for Rotated Permanent Magnets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analytical Surface Charge Method for Rotated Permanent Magnets
J.R.M. van Dam, J.J.H. Paulides, W.S.P. Robertson, M. Dhaens, and E.A. Lomonova Session 3 - Mechatronics & Energy harvesting Thursday 12 May 17:20 Max. 15 minutes per person for PPT.

2 What is a permanent magnet?
Permanent magnets are “mysterious objects” Fridge magnets found by googling for ‘fridge magnet(s)’. Other source: Did you know that the name “magnet” was first used by the Greeks as early as 600 B.C. for describing a mysterious stone that attracted iron and other pieces of the same material? According to one Greek legend, the name magnet was taken from the shepherd Magnes who discovered the magnetic stone by accident when his staff was mysteriously attracted to the force of the stone. Another, and perhaps more believable, theory says that the word magnet came from a city in Asia Minor, called Magnesia, where many of these mysterious magnetic stones were found. During the Middle Ages, this stone became known as lodestone, which is the magnetic form of magnetite. Today, magnets are available in all sorts of shapes including discs, rings, blocks, rectangles, arcs, rods, and bars. They are made out of materials such as ceramic (strontium ferrite), alnico (aluminum, nickel, and cobalt), rare earth (samarium cobalt and neodymium) and flexible, rubber-like material. An object made of certain materials which creates a magnetic field

3 What is a permanent magnet?
Permanent magnets are “mysterious objects” Magnetic field lines Charge distribution Permanent magnet Magnetization direction Courtesy of D.T.E.H. van Casteren

4 What is a permanent magnet?
Permanent magnets are “mysterious objects” Contactless magnetic force without applying energy Courtesy of J.L.G. Janssen

5 Key message Using the surface charge method to model rotated permanent magnets leads to a fast and accurate force description.

6 Contents Application Simulation method selection Surface charge method
Results for rotated permanent magnets Conclusions

7 Application Energy harvesting
Energy harvesting based on permanent magnets An optimal harvester design is achieved using an accurate permanent magnet interaction model Non-magnetic Permanent magnet

8 Application Permanent magnets
Interaction between permanent magnets 𝜽 PM2 PM2 z y x 𝜃 PM1 45° 10° 90°

9 Simulation model Requirements
The PM interaction model requirements consist of Accurate magnetic field description Direct force calculation Allow for rotated PMs Preferably analytical

10 Simulation model Comparison of methods
Methods for modeling magnetic structures Method DOMAIN SOLUTION TYPE RELATIVE ROTATIONS BETWEEN PMs FEM Bounded to infinite box Bounded to infinite box Numerical Numerical Yes Yes BEM Unbounded Unbounded Numerical Numerical Yes Yes Fourier Bounded to Dirichlet boundary condition Bounded to Dirichlet boundary condition Analytical Analytical No No The design process of the electromagnetic applications on the previous slide, would benefit from a model which: Provide an analytical solution (the equations are solved in the entire domain, albeit for a limited number of cases in the charge model); Are meshfree (solution speed); Provide the required physical quantities such as the fields, forces, torques, and energies; And are able to do this for all dimensions. The method of choice in this paper, is the surface charge method. Charge model Unbounded Unbounded Analytical Analytical Around non-magnetized axes Around non-magnetized axes

11 Surface charge method Magnetic field lines Charge distribution
Permanent magnet Magnetization direction Courtesy of D.T.E.H. van Casteren

12 Key message Using the surface charge method to model rotated permanent magnets leads to a fast and accurate force description.

13 Analytical and experimental results
3-D analytical solution, as x-component is zero Close agreement between simulations and experiments has been found An additional advantage of the surface charge method is its ability to directly calculate torques and stiffnesses Logging PC dSPACE PM2 Deviation between ANA and EXP at 10 degrees is attributed to inaccuracies in the test setup, which are composed of deviations in the remanent magnetization and magnetization angle of the PMs, 3-D printer manufacturing tolerances, and deviations in the alignment of the test setup with respect to the xy-plane of the load cell. An additional advantage of the surface charge method is its ability to, directly from magnetic fields and forces, calculate torques and stiffnesses. PM1 Load cell 3-D printed test setup

14 Conclusions The progress in the analytical surface charge method for permanent magnets (PMs) has been addressed. The method has been derived, and the expressions for the interaction force between PMs with an (anti-)parallel, perpendicular, and rotated magnetization have been provided. The surface charge method has been applied to rotated PMs, the analytical results of which have been experimentally validated. The harvested energy cannot yet be estimated. A distinctive advantage of the surface charge method is that it allows for the direct calculation of torques and stiffnesses. Currently, 3-D force expressions can be obtained if PMs are rotated around non-magnetized axes. Future work will consider additional rotations around magnetized axes. In this work…

15 Key message Using the surface charge method to model rotated permanent magnets leads to a fast and accurate force description.

16 Acknowledgment The project has received funding from ECSEL Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No This Joint Undertaking received support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Romania, Belgium, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Latvia, Finland, Spain, Italy, Lithuania.

17 Key message Using the surface charge method to model rotated permanent magnets leads to a fast and accurate force description.

18 Question and backup slides

19 BEM and FEM

20 Results for rotated permanent magnets Simulation results
Analytically, all positions along the path are calculated The BEM matches closely to ANA, at the expense of setup and computation time The FEM shows deviations due to numerical noise Numerical noise

21 Boundary Element Method (BEM)
In comparison to FEM Resulting flux lines * FEM Numerical methods Geometry discretization FEM: Full geometry BEM: Boundaries BEM is suitable for unbounded problems BEM requires linear and homogeneous material properties BEM In the BEM, the geomertry discretization results in Problem dimension reduced by one As each point p in the domain is expressed in terms of the boundary values, once all boundary values are known ANY potential value within the domain can now be found, which makes the BEM a powerful method. *

22 Boundary Element Method (BEM)
In comparison to FEM * FEM Numerical methods Geometry discretization FEM: Full geometry BEM: Boundaries BEM is suitable for unbounded problems BEM requires linear and homogeneous material properties BEM In the BEM, the geomertry discretization results in Problem dimension reduced by one As each point p in the domain is expressed in terms of the boundary values, once all boundary values are known ANY potential value within the domain can now be found, which makes the BEM a powerful method. *

23 BEM versus FEM Active volume versus source volume BEM: only sources
FEM: very large volume (air) does not contain sources, so very much unused mesh nodes and elements, which makes it rather slow.

24 Finite Element Method Infinite box
Using an infinite box, the boundary condition translates to the magnetic potential at infinity equating to null. PM2 AIR PM1 INFINITE BOX

25 Boundary conditions Dirichlet: Specifies the value of the function on a surface, Neumann: Specifies the normal derivative of the function on a surface, Robin: The sum of a Dirichlet and a Neumann boundary condition. *

26 Dirichlet boundary condition
When imposed on an ordinary or a partial differential equation, it specifies the values that a solution needs to take on along the boundary of the domain. The question of finding solutions to such equations is known as the Dirichlet problem. In engineering applications, a Dirichlet boundary condition may also be referred to as a fixed boundary condition. *

27 Surface charge method

28 Surface charge method Development of charge model for cuboidal magnets
* * z y x z y x z y x 3-D: B, F, W Fy, Fz, Ty, Tz 3-D: F, K, T Surface charge model (Anti-)Parallel magnetization Rotated ( 𝜃 𝑥 ) magnetization Perpendicular magnetization Variable charge density * * 1984 1999 & 2013 2009 2014 present μr =1 (analytical) μr,PM =1.05 (analytical) * μr,steel (semi-analytical) * Charpentier (1999) IEEE Trans. Magn. Robertson (2013) PhD Dissertation * Akoun & Yonnet (1984) IEEE Trans. Magn. * Van Casteren (2014) IEEE Trans. Magn. * Kremers (2013) IEEE Trans. Magn. * Jansen (2009) Sensor Letters

29 Surface charge method Mathematical correctness
The net charge of a magnet should equal to zero, to satisfy Gauss’ law for magnetism Relative permeability corrresponds with measurements (Kremers (2013) IEEE Trans. Magn.) Field solution Outside of the magnet: Correct field solution. Magnet surfaces: Improved accuracy by using a variable charge density. Inside of the magnet: Incorrect field solution. Van Casteren (2014) IEEE Trans. Magn.

30 Surface charge method Equations
Magnetostatic Maxwell equations for current-free regions 𝛁× 𝑯 =𝟎 and 𝛁⋅ 𝑩 =𝟎 Introduce the magnetic scalar potential, 𝝋 𝒎 𝛁× 𝛁 𝝋 𝒎 =𝟎 and 𝑯 =−𝛁 𝝋 𝒎 Substitute the constitutive relation 𝑩 = 𝝁 𝟎 ( 𝑯 + 𝑴 ) to obtain 𝛁 𝟐 𝝋 𝒎 =𝛁⋅ 𝑴 . Here, 𝑴 is the magnetization vector of the permanent magnet, assumed bounded by the PM volume, hence, 𝝋 𝒎 𝒙 = 𝟏 𝟒𝝅 𝑽 𝝆 𝒎 ( 𝒙 ′ ) | 𝒙 − 𝒙 ′| 𝐝𝒗′ + 𝟏 𝟒𝝅 𝑺 𝝈 𝒎 ( 𝒙 ′) | 𝒙 − 𝒙 ′| 𝐝𝒔′ . For a uniformly magnetized PM, 𝝆 𝒎 =𝟎.

31 Other

32 Design tool for machines and actuators State-of-the-art and extensions
Design of a transverse flux machine Highly permeable steel is incorporated in a (semi-)analytical charge model Non-cuboidal inidividual PM shapes in charge method Charge distribution * Charge model The present surface charge model is suitable for interactions between similarly shaped PMs, but differentely shaped PMs, soft-magnetic materials, multiphysical and manufacturing effects have not yet been taken into account. Cylinder Arc Ring Triangle Pyramidal frustum * M.F.J. Kremers and D.T.E.H. van Casteren (2015)

33 Design tool for machines and actuators Hard– versus soft–magnetic materials
In order for the surface charge method to replace the FEM Operating region PMs Linear 𝝁 𝒓 Operating region soft-magnetics Nonlinear 𝝁 𝒓 Analytically (Semi-)analytically

34 Design tool for machines and actuators Different PM shapes and multiphysical effects
Eddy currents in PM Brittle nature Interactions The required model extensions start with the inclusion of the forces between cylindrical PMs with rotation around one axis. Subsequently, the forces and torques between pairs of cuboidal and pairs of cylindrical PMs with arbitrary rotation should be considered. Then, expressions for the forces and torques between pairs of spherical, triangular, and, finally, differently-shaped permanent magnets should be developed. A latter example is the force between spherical and triangular PMs. PM manufacturing process: Brittle PM: Temperature dependency PM manufacturing

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