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Religion on the Eve of the Protestant Reformation

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1 Religion on the Eve of the Protestant Reformation

2 Why Change? People were calling for reform in part because of corruption in the Catholic Church. Between 1450 and 1520 a series of popes failed to meet the Church’s spiritual needs. They were more concerned with the political interests of the Papal States. Pope Julius II, the “warrior-pope,” even led armies against his enemies. Many people were disgusted with him and the Catholic Church.

3 Salvation Many Church officials were also concerned with money and used their offices to advance their careers and wealth, and many local priests seemed ignorant of their spiritual duties, especially instructing people on how to achieve salvation (acceptance into heaven). As a result, obtaining salvation became almost mechanical, for example by collecting relics (ancient religious object). Venerating (worshipping) a saint could gain an indulgence (release from punishment of sin) – according to the Church of the time.  

4 Change is Coming…. Some people sought salvation in the popular mystical movement called the Modern Devotion, which stressed the need to follow the teaching of Jesus, not Church dogma (church beliefs). Most people found the Church unconcerned with their spiritual needs.

5 THE GREAT SCHISM ( ) In 1378, the pope died. The College of Cardinals in Rome selected an Italian pope. A few months later, the French cardinals in Avignon selected a French pope. So there were two different men, in two different cities, claiming to be the pope. For over thirty years, Christendom was divided over which pope to support as the spiritual leader of the Church. In 1409, the cardinals met again and selected a third pope to unite the two sides. However, the other popes were unwilling to give up their power. So now there were three popes vying for authority.

6 The existence of multiple popes:
– Lessened the reputation and prestige of the Church – Diminished the pope's authority. (Christians were bewildered & disgusted.) – Made secular rulers think they could dictate Church policies. Finally between 1414 and 1418, the cardinals deposed the Avignon pope, induced the Roman pope to resign, and elected one pope for the entire Catholic Church.

7 Why might Christians have been so disgusted with Pope Julius II?
Question of the day…. Why might Christians have been so disgusted with Pope Julius II?

8 Answer of the day….. They believed that it was unholy for a Christian spiritual leader to be a military commander.

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