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FCC Week 2019 Civil Engineering Summary

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1 FCC Week 2019 Civil Engineering Summary
J. Osborne A. Tudora IOWG – Future Circular Collider Study FCC Week 2019 Alexandra Tudora, IOWG, 5 June 2019

2 FCC Week CE summary Contents of CE talk
Description of CE for baseline design (CDR layout) Show 3D schematic, longitudinal profile, tunnel cross sections (showing different lining types) Risk Factors Main risks for underground works: tunnelling in karst and fault zones, overburden, Encountering hydrocarbons, water ingress during tunnelling) Geological uncertainty Results of ILF Cost and Schedule Studies Latest design updates (cavern layout at experimental points, inclined tunnels) Overview of construction schedule Mention additional ILF studies: cash flow consideration, spoil volume per site, HL-LHC cost comparison (similar unit prices) Schedule for preparatory phase Phases and types of site investigations Cost comparison HE-LHC? Brief summary of CE updates and proposed structures (cryo caverns, buildings, tunnel enlargements, sector 3-4 refurbishment) Ongoing work and future steps Alignment optimisation following review of surface sites Site investigations Design of injection tunnels Exploring GIS tools and alignment optimisation software – Workshop with industries at CERN Future Circular Collider Study FCC Week 2019 Alexandra Tudora, IOWG, 5 June 2019 Future Circular Collider Study FCC Week 2019 Alexandra Tudora, IOWG, 5 June 2019

3 Drawings and Figures Tunnel Cross section Longitudinal profile
FCC 3D schematic HE-LHC 3D schematic Future Circular Collider Study FCC Week 2019 Alexandra Tudora, IOWG, 5 June 2019 Future Circular Collider Study FCC Week 2019 Alexandra Tudora, IOWG, 5 June 2019

4 Schedule for preparatory phase
European Strategy Update 2020 Conceptual Design Report Future Circular Collider Study FCC Week 2019 Alexandra Tudora, IOWG, 5 June 2019 Future Circular Collider Study FCC Week 2019 Alexandra Tudora, IOWG, 5 June 2019

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