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Safety in Housing First Programs

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Presentation on theme: "Safety in Housing First Programs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety in Housing First Programs

2 Who We Are Cheryl Gagne, Sc.D. t3/Center for Social Innovation Theresa Dunham CEO, CPD T. Cooper, Inc. TCI

3 What are your safety concerns

4 Potential Risks in Home Visits
Violence Exposure to violence Exposure to other dangers Emotional trauma Anxiety Potential Risks in Home Visits

5 How do you prepare for a home visit?

6 Preparation Tips Always let someone know where you are going
Know the potential risks Know the area Learn what you can about the person and associates Buddy system with higher levels of risk Cell phone charged and with you Leave valuables at office

7 How do you stay safe once you arrive

8 Safety on Arrival Check the local area for signs of trouble
Know the quickest egress If you sense danger, keep yourself near the door Make certain your exit isn’t locked Leave valuables in trunk or office Trust your instincts Call person to confirm appointment Safety on Arrival

9 How do you respond to dangerous situations?

10 Responding to Danger If unsafe, leave immediately. You can always reschedule visit Put yourself in safety before addressing situation Use de-escalation technique to diffuse tension Call for help. Call 911 or local emergency response, if needed

11 How do you take care of yourself after encountering risk?

12 Self-care after Experiencing Dangerous Situations
Accept your response as your response Practice radical self-compassion and self-care Connect with supportive colleagues Create time and space to heal Manage on-going stressors

13 Program Support for Safety
Policies and procedures Safety checklist Practice drills Staff location system Prioritizing safety Supervision Adequate staffing Debriefing procedures Team work

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