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A Brief Introduction to Differential Calculus

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1 A Brief Introduction to Differential Calculus

2 Recall that the slope is defined as the change in Y divided by the change in X

3 Consider the straight line below:
Y 20 6 X

4 Let’s consider a line drawn between two points on a curve
Let’s consider a line drawn between two points on a curve. We start at (X0,Y0). Then we change our X value slightly to X0+ ΔX and our Y value to the corresponding value, so we are now at (X0+ ΔX, Y0 + ΔY). Y Y0 Y0 + ΔY X0 X0+ ΔX X

5 Then ΔY/ ΔX is the slope of the line connecting the two points.
Y0 + ΔY X0 X0+ ΔX X

6 If we shrink ΔX a bit, our picture looks like this:
Y Y0 Y0 + ΔY X0 X0+ ΔX X

7 If we make ΔX infinitesimally small, then X0+ ΔX is virtually identical to X0, Y0+ ΔY is virtually identical to Y0, and we are looking at the line tangent to the curve. Y Y0 X X

8 So the slope of a curve at a point is the slope of the line tangent to the curve at that point.


10 Let’s calculate the derivative for the function, Y = 3X2.


12 To calculate derivatives for similar functions of the form Y = aXn, we use the power function rule.



15 What is the derivative of a constant function Y = k (example: Y = 4)?

16 Notation


18 Example: Determine the derivative of Y = 6 + 2X3 + 4X5

19 There is a special product rule for determining the derivative of the product of functions. (We will not be examining that here.)

20 We have touched on a very small part of differential calculus.
There is also a quotient rule for the derivative of the quotient of two functions. There is a chain rule for the derivative of a function of a function. There are rules for the derivatives of exponential functions, logarithmic functions, and trigonometric functions.

21 In this course, we will see how differential calculus is applied to Economics.

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