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Presentation on theme: "Recruiting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recruiting


3 The recruitment process
Conducting job analysis Preparing job description Preparing the set of job qualifications Personality traits Qualification levels

4 Compensating sales personnel
Various compensation elements Fixed element Variable element (commission, bonus, etc.) Fringe elements (paid holiday, sickness etc.) Reimbursement element

5 Selection process Initial screening interviews Application forms Tests
Intelligence tests Knowledge tests Personality tests Drug tests In-depth interviews Reference checks

6 Sales training Initial sales training Refresher training

7 Designing the sales training programme
Training objectives Initial sales training Refresher training Contents of the sales training programme Company knowledge Product knowledge Sales techniques and selling process Interpersonal skills Market and industry knowledge

8 Methods of group training
Lectures Group discussions Role playing Video conferencing CDs Methods of individual training On job training Personal conference Correspondence courses Interactive video discs

9 Implementing sales training programme
location home office Field office Regional office Central training facility Non company site (hotel, resort etc.)

10 Types of compensation plans
Straight salary plan Straight commission plan Combination of salary and incentive plan Bonuses Fringe benefits

11 Sales meetings Sales meetings are important for communication and motivational purposes Exchange of information and ideas Occasions for management to stimulate the sales force to raise the performance standards

12 Evaluating sales performance
Quantitative performance standards Quotas Selling expense ratios Net profit ratio Territorial market share Sales coverage index Calls frequency / calls per day Average cost per call

13 Qualitative performance standards
Job factors Product knowledge Understanding customer needs Service Personal factors Punctuality Attitude Cooperation Adaptability Reliability

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