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Physiology of Vision Optic Pathways Dr. Sumera Gul.

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Presentation on theme: "Physiology of Vision Optic Pathways Dr. Sumera Gul."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physiology of Vision Optic Pathways Dr. Sumera Gul

2 Learning Objectives At the end of the lecture the students should be able to: Explain the optic pathway Discuss the functions of lateral geniculate body Discuss organization and function of visual cortex Explain the neural patterns of stimulation for visual image

3 Review of Previous Lecture





8 Optic Pathway


10 Visual Cortex


12 Visual fibers also pass to several older areas of the brain
(1) suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus (2) into the pretectal nuclei in the midbrain (3) Into the superior colliculus (4) Into the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus


14 Importance of of Lateral Geniculate Body
Relay station Point-to-point transmission Gates the transmission of signals


16 A. Complete blindness of left eye B. Bitemporal hemianopia C
A. Complete blindness of left eye B. Bitemporal hemianopia C. Homonymous hemianopia


18 A- Right homonymous hemianopia
B- Left homonymous hemianopia C- Bitemporal hemianopia D- Binasal hemianopia


20 Questions?

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