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Political and cultural impact of new European mobility

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1 Political and cultural impact of new European mobility
Dr Mariusz Czepczyński Economic Geography Department University of Gdańsk

2 Mobility vs. migrations
less stable and not really ‘for ever’, flexibility, stimulated by budget airlines, often close contacts with the country of origin, readiness to relocation

3 Characteristics of the ’mobilers’
the majority from peripheral regions, many not best educated, but often with hope and will to change their life, escaping the hopeless regions; the creative minority, often educated, including languages, high aspirations, much more mobile and competitive

4 Affected region of out-migration
sharp decrease of unemployment, recent labour shortages, cash flows, new carrier patterns, dysfunctional families, challenged education systems, especially vocational, but the ‘returners’ bring know-how, often some capital and life styles

5 Mostly from outside the EU

6 Affected cities Open labour markets Demand for migrants
Geographical or cultural links Concentrated in the centres of large cities or capitals

7 Large cities see more movement of residents
Higher change-over leads to a more open social structure

8 Employment Opportunities
In some cities the population is very positive about the opportunities for finding a job (especially Dublin, Manchester, London and Paris) In other cities there is a huge consensus of opinion that job finding is difficult (especially Naples, Berlin and Lisbon)

9 Impact on the ’migrants’ paradises
cultural shock, multiculturalism, local businesses, basic services, local elections, like in London or Scotland, rising isolationism and xenophobia, economic developments, limited interaction

10 old and new links and preferences

11 Different migrants / different impacts
closely integrated EU members the member states (semi-insiders) which are less integrated into the EU institutions. the semi-outsiders, non-EU, but rather close – the so-called wider Europe (the new neighbourhoods)

12 Housing Costs In many of the cities where people think that the job prospects are good (such as Dublin, Paris and London), they also think that it is difficult to find affordable housing. And where job prospects are thought to be poor (e.g. Berlin), the perception is that affordable housing is easy to find.

13 How to take advantage and crystalise challenges
Flexibility: Be ready for change/challenge Attractiveness: Labour market, Legalise: Easy administration/migrants friendly law Promotion: Let them know how good you are Open: Integrate the integrable, take advantage of cultural melange

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