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Why Should You Do Well in School?

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1 Why Should You Do Well in School?
Notes: Presenter should open with 1) “Why are You in School”, 2) what do you have aspirations to do, to be? 3) What do you think it takes to be successful ? Drive students to define what they think being successful looks like and what it takes to get there… By Greg Cummings

2 Why Should You Do Well in School?
What distracts You from Doing your Best? What distracts you from Doing Well in School? Making Good Grades Participating in Class Modeling Good Behavior Looking like “YOU CARE” Try to get students to open up and talk about why its not cool to look smart or like they care. Ask Probing questions to their answers like “What do you mean buy….? Or explain a little more why you said ….?

3 8 Steps To Doing Better IN School
ADMIT YOU HAVE TO CHANGE Commit and stick to it Identify what is getting in your way and stick to your plan “If you do the same thing over and over and expect a different result is the definition of INSANITY” Ask student for examples of what they have to change…. How hard it is for them to change, and why?

4 8 Steps To Doing Better IN School
2. WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING It’s not cool to carry a pen and paper? Get over it … write it down! Write your goals(Things you want to be and accomplish) Your class notes The things that you want to change The things you are good at Writing things down help remind you of your commitment and keep you on target Ask students to identify things that they would like to write down, Take out their journals and start

5 8 Steps To Doing Better IN School
Exercise and Eat Healthy “ A healthy mind in a healthy body” Eat Healthy Foods Exercise Every Day – not just video games Ask students why they think a healthy body is important? Why they think the mind needs a healthy body?

6 8 Steps To Doing Better IN School
PROVE THEM WRONG “ Are you existing to satisfy what someone else wants you to believe in or what you know is Right “ Whomever says that you cannot succeed is wrong Whomever or whatever is weighing you down, ignore it Sick to your plan .. Soon you will be able to say you were wrong… Get students to understand what “crabs in a barrel means” . Help students understand that anyone who tries to get in their way, they should make a goal to prove them wrong

7 8 Steps To Doing Better IN School
5. Study With Others “ Two Heads Are better Than One” Find a Friend to Study With (Even Older People) Study First, Have Fun Afterwards Ask students how they would study with others. Ask them who they would study with? Ask students when they would start

8 8 Steps To Doing Better IN School
6. SEE IT AS AN ADVENTURE “Motivate Yourself – Don’t Wait for Other to Motivate You” Set Small Goals – find success in getting things done gradually The process is a journey not a sprint Set goads like make ‘A’s”, talk up in class, turn in assignments on time Ask students what their immediate goals are to do better in school. Discuss…. Ask students to write down goals using 8 steps

9 8 Steps To Doing Better IN School
7. Reward Yourself “ All work and no play makes you a dull person” Each time you reach a goal – Treat yourself Take time to celebrate success – develop a habit of winning Help students discover that rewarding themselves for hard work is the best gift one could have.

10 8 Steps To Doing Better IN School
8. Release “If you know something is wrong and you continue to be a part, Does that make you wrong also?” Let go the OLD You- Bring in the new you If you have things in your past that may be consistently playing in your head…. Let Go Embarrassing Moments Mistakes Prior failures Family issues Old Habits Misguided people

11 Summary Which step do you most have to work on?
Which of the 8 steps are you best at? Describe why? Discuss why you should do better in school?

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