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Presentation on theme: "HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY EVENT"— Presentation transcript:


2 LET’S GET READY! Thank you to all that helped get us ready for our Highbush Blueberry Event. Bottom right: Marlania Nance, Sebree Food Service Employee, for all the cut outs and art work on our bulletin boards. Center: Julie Hinton, Webster County Food Service Employee for all her help with the Smoothies, Berry cups and Parfaits. Lower left and top right: Lindsay Thoman, UK Dietetic Intern. And a Big Thank You to Dawn Forker, Sebree principal. We loved the Fats Domino Music “ I Found My Thrill On Blueberry Hill”.

3 Sampling Blueberry Salads w/homemade Blueberry Vinaigrette Dressing
Quote from little boy in the orange shirt on far right. “I never ate salad in my like but this is good”. He also ate others at his table salads.

4 Sampling of Blueberry Smoothies
A little toasting going on during Smoothie sampling. One little angel told us “You make Blueberries good”.

5 We love Booberries! Oh my, we have sure enjoyed our Highbush Blueberries. Top left with glasses quote, “I wuv booberries”, Bottom right blue jacket with stars was counting hers as she ate them. Too funny, Right bottom, little boy, Evidence that Booberries are good. The kids loved having all the blueberry treats but the janitors hated us. So sorry Teresa!

6 Highbush Blueberry Event – All you need to know about how these Blueberries end up on your plate and the health benefits. Lindsay’s presentation was excellent and captivated her audience. I will attach a copy.

7 Highbush Blueberry Art Contest
We ended up with 34 students participating. There were some really good pictures. I am going to frame the winning one.

8 Art Contest Winner – Banesa Saravia
Banesa Saravia is pictured here from Left to Right: Dawn Forker, principal of Sebree, Rhonda Callaway, Superintendent of Webster County Schools, Lindsay Thoman, UK intern, and Banesa. She was thrilled with her art kit. Thank you so much!

9 We loved our Tattoo’s One disclaimer, it is so hard to get the tattoo’s off of your face. My grandchildren got a kick out of watching me scrub! We all laughed about it.

10 Sebree Staff Thank you so much to all the Staff at Sebree. Left to right, Karen Parker, manager at Sebree, Tracy Culver, cook/baker, Teresa, janitor, next picture, Karen, Linda Stinson, Marlania Nanace, Lindsay, Lillie Sutton and yours truly.

11 Thank you to all that made this event possible!


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