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Warm Up How are scarcity, shortage, choice, and factors of production connected?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up How are scarcity, shortage, choice, and factors of production connected?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up How are scarcity, shortage, choice, and factors of production connected?

2 Monday, January 11th, 2016 Objective: Students will be able to explain the concept of opportunity costs. Purpose: Opportunity cost is one of the things we need to consider before making economic decisions.

3 Trade Offs Trade-offs: alternatives that we sacrifice when we make a decision Each decision we make involves trade-offs The decisions that businesspeople make about how to use land, labor, and capital resources also create trade-offs

4 “Guns vs. Butter” Every choice that we make involves trade-offs, which means giving up one benefit to get another. Individuals, businesses, and even entire nations face these trade-offs. What does a nation gain when it chooses to spend more on its military? What does that nation give up?

5 Trade-Offs Society and Trade-offs:
Countries also make decisions that involve trade-offs. Economists simplify their explanations of the trade-offs countries face by using the example of guns and butter. In short, the more butter that a country produces, the fewer guns that the country can produce. This also works vice-versa.

6 Opportunity Cost Usually one alternative is more desirable for a country/business/individual than another. The MOST DESIRABLE alternative given up as the result of a decision is called the Opportunity Cost.

7 Opportunity Cost If I gave you a choice between these four candy bars…
A B C D Which one would you choose? Which one (s) would be your opportunity costs?

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