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Presentation on theme: "Cephalapods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cephalapods

2 The Senses -Cephalapods are the most highly developed of all marine invertebrates -They have large complex brains (that can solve problems) -A nervous system with giant nerve fibers -Their eyes are similar to vertebrate eyes -They can sense gravity with specialized structures called statocysts

3 Movement -They can squeeze through any space as long as it is as large as their eye -They use jet propulsion to move: Mantle contracts Water is shot out of the funnel -Fins are present to help with streamlining (some are capable of flying through the air 50m!)

4 Camouflage -They can change colors almost instantly
-This is done with chromatophores- groves of cells that have pigments in them -They can also change their shape and skin texture -They can use this ability to communicate

5 Intelligence -They can learn by watching (observational learning)
-They can be trained with positive reinforcement (reward system) -The demonstrate flexibility in behavior (adapt to situations) -They have been trained to navigate mazes -When threatened they eject ink to create a pseudomorph (false image) to escape.

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