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APK Bellwork Think* Pair* Share

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1 APK Bellwork Think* Pair* Share
Think about this…. When societies are threatened, governing bodies often implement additional security measures in order to protect their citizens. What occurred during these times? Historical Event Bombing of Pearl Harbor September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks Events in history in which security was heightened in the United States. What occurred during these times?

2 USA Patriot Act Beginning with the end in mind…. I can investigate the tradeoffs between restoring national security and maintaining civil liberties by investigating September 11,2001 terrorist attacks and its effects. I can debate reasons why restrictions to individual rights should or should not be allowed.

3 Bill of Rights Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press Right to Bear Arms
No Quartering of Soldiers No unreasonable Search and Seizure Rights of persons accused of crimes Right to a Lawyer and Speedy Trial Right of a Trial by Jury No cruel or unusual punishments inflicted Rights that are guaranteed but not listed in the Constitution Rights reserved to the States or to the People Bill of Rights

4 Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001
On September 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 people were killed in the terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda at the World Trade Center (WTC) in NYC, Pentagon building in Washington, D.C., and in a plane crash in PA (headed for the White House). Recovery clean-up of the 1.8 million tons of wreckage from the WTC site took 9 months. This was the largest loss of life by a foreign attack on American soil.

5 Effects on National Security
Department of Homeland Security The Department of Homeland Security was created in direct response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, The Department of Homeland Security was created to try and address the new dangerous threat presented by terrorism. The goal of the department is to ensure that the country is safe from terrorism and other hazards within its borders. In addition, there are three primary goals of the Department of homeland Security, which include the following: The prevention of terrorist attacks. The prevention of the unauthorized acquiring, importing, moving or usage or chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear materials and capabilities within the United States. The reduction of the vulnerability of key infrastructure (emergency plans for key locations), resources (water, power plants etc.), leadership (extra security), and significant events to terrorist attacks and threats.

6 USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 Expands terrorism laws to include “domestic terrorism” Allowed surveillance, wiretapping, harassment, and criminal action for political advocacy Expands the ability of law enforcement to conduct secret searches, gives them wide powers of phone and internet surveillance, and access to highly personal medical, financial, mental health, and student records with minimal judicial oversight.

7 National Security vs. Individual Liberties
USA Patriot Act National Security vs Individual Liberties When laws are passed, members of Congress must consider a very important question: To what extent, for the sake of national security, should or can individual rights be restricted? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8 Facts Since the Bill of Rights was ratified more than 200 years ago, the United States has passed additional laws regarding citizens' rights. While national security measures are implemented to protect individuals, such measures can also restrict the rights of individuals they are designed to protect. The main issue lawmakers must address with these regulations is balancing national security interests with individual personal rights.

9 Multiple Choice Quiz Remaining tenacious
Answers must be placed below AND evidence within the question of “process of elimination” Read the Question. Circle the topic Underline what the question is asking you to do Eliminate 2 wrong answers Choose your final answer ________

10 National Security vs. Individual Liberties
Synergizing Consider what personal liberties, if any, you would be willing to sacrifice in order to maintain national security. Scenario Assignment Teams Before coming to a final conclusion about whether a situation would be permissible (allowed), you must first consider both the reasons why the restriction of individual rights should be allowed and also why it should not be allowed Team presentations of decision reached and reasons behind the decision Does everyone else agree? If not, Why not?

11 Reflection of learning
Thinking purposefully

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