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Reynoldsburg City School District

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1 Reynoldsburg City School District
FY2019 Five-Year Forecast (May Submission) April 29, 2019

2 Property Values CY2009 – CY2019 $’s in Millions
April 29, 2019

3 Property Tax Collections Real Estate & Rollback/Homestead FY2009 – FY2019
April 29, 2019

4 Property Tax/Property Tax Allocation
FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 Estimate Real Estate Taxes $21,784,336 $22,122,748 $22,735,768 $22,866,982 Rollback and Hmstd $2,954,856 $2,970,005 $2,940,917 $2,917,609 Total $24,739,192 $25,092,753 $25,676,685 $25,784,591 In addition to property values, the following impact tax collections: Delinquencies Payments of back taxes Revisions to property values/refunds Timing of payments (tax payers paying the full amount rather than in 2 halves) April 29, 2019 Reappraisal effective 1/1/18 (2nd half of FY18) Triennial Update effective 1/1/21 (2nd half of FY21)

5 Income Tax FY10-FY18 Actual, FY19-FY23 Forecasted April 29, 2019

6 State Funding FY2019 March 2019 2019 Funding w/o Cap
2019 Funding w/o Cap 2019 Capped Funding Diff Base Funding $43,279,373 $37,522,276 ($5,757,097) CTE $158,878 $0 3rd Grade Guarantee $68,775 Graduation $129,689 Pre-School $722,242 Spec Ed Transportation $224,586 Total $44,583,543 $38,826,446 FY2018 Adjustment * ($79,132) $44,504,411 $38,747,314 Casino Revenue $402,295 $44,906,706 $39,149,609 April 29, 2019

7 State Funding Does not include any potential increase from biennial budget. April 29, 2019 Biennial Budget Biennial Budget Biennial Budget Biennial Budget

8 FY16-FY18 Actual, FY19-FY23 Estimated
Other Revenues FY16-FY18 Actual, FY19-FY23 Estimated April 29, 2019

9 Other Revenue FY2019 Revenue from open enrollment students makes up about 36% of this line item, generating nearly $3.8M in FY19. April 29, 2019

10 Open Enrollment Year # of Students Amount per Student Total $ Change % Change Est Millage FY2013 Act 176 $5,704 $1,006,284 1.47 FY2014 Act 381 $5,745 $2,190,870 $1,184,586 118% 3.20 FY2015 Act 578 $5,800 $3,354,314 $1,163,444 53% 5.16 FY2016 Act 627 $5,900 $3,701,706 $347,392 10% 5.66 FY2017 Act 653 $6,000 $3,915,238 $213,532 6% 5.96 FY2018 Act 697 $6,010 $4,185,370 $270,132 7% 5.67 FY2019 Est 636 $6,020 $3,828,720 ($356,650) (9%) 5.17 April 29, 2019 Open enrollment is forecasted to remain flat from FY2019 through FY2023.

11 Revenue in Lieu of Taxes (TIF revenue)
April 29, 2019

12 Salaries and Benefits April 29, 2019

13 Salaries and Benefits Includes step increases for both classified and certified staff FY20 includes 22 additional teaching staff Includes a 2.0% increase for all staff from FY20 through FY23, except classified bargaining unit staff are at 1.5% for FY20 per the negotiated agreement. Includes a 0% increase in insurance rates effective 1/1/2019 and a 10% increase every January thereafter April 29, 2019

14 Salary Breakdown FY2019 Estimate
April 29, 2019 (excluding subs, supplemental pay, merit pay, etc.)

15 Purchased Services Special Ed Services & Tuition Other Staff
Maintenance Meeting & Mileage Fleet, Property, Liability Insurance Legal Fees Community School Deduction Utilities Bus Repairs College Credit Plus Tuition Technology Staff April 29, 2019

16 Purchased Services account for almost 1/4 of the total expenditures.
April 29, 2019

17 Community School Deduction
FY16 – FY18 Actual, FY19 – FY23 Estimated April 29, 2019

18 College Credit Plus Tuition
The decrease in tuition from FY18 to FY19 is due to students no longer attending Harrison College. April 29, 2019

19 Materials & Supplies The increase from 2018 is due to instructional materials/ software and CTE supplies. April 29, 2019 -1.0%

20 Materials & Supplies FY2019
Materials and supplies account for just over 3% of total expenditures. Bus fuel is estimated to cost $378,000 in FY2019. Building budget allocations not spent in the current fiscal year are carried over to the next fiscal year. April 29, 2019

21 The year-to-year changes in general fund capital outlay are due to fluctuations in the maintenance & transportation purchases. The increase from FY18 to FY19 is due to the allocation of funds for capital improvements and equipment. The increase from FY19 to FY20 is due to moving expenditures to the general fund due to the exhaustion of the construction funds. Note that most technology and maintenance capital outlay are purchased with non-general fund monies. Capital Outlay April 29, 2019

22 Capital Outlay FY2019 Capital Outlay is a relatively small part of the general fund budget as most large ticket items such a busses and bulk computer purchases are made from other funds. April 29, 2019

23 Other Expenditures About 79% of this expenditure category is for fees paid to the county auditors and Ohio Department of Taxation for the collection of taxes. The balance includes bank charges, audit fees, required ESC deduction, memberships and dues, etc. April 29, 2019

24 HVAC/LED Project Debt In FY2018, the District embarked on a $15.5M HVAC/LED project. $2M was funded with District resources and $13.5M was financed through CapitalOne. The debt is for 15 years at an average coupon rate of 3.3%. Payments on the debt will be paid from the general fund and the cost will be partially offset by utility and maintenance savings. April 29, 2019

25 Stewardship Over the last several years, the District has set-aside monies in other funds for future expenditures. The current balances in the funds are as follows: Technology Capital Outlay Fund – $5.6M balance at 7/1/18– funded through FY2021 with no additional funds or FY2024 with $500K transferred annually Capital Projects Fund - $3.3M at 7/1/18 Bus Purchase Fund - $2.4M balance at 7/1/18 – funded through FY based on the current replacement schedule April 29, 2019

26 Technology Capital Outlay Budget
Estimate with $500K transfer starting FY2019 Updated April 2019 DESCRIPTION Fund 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 10 Year TOTAL 70 $6,363,085 $5,841,835 $3,411,565 $2,563,640 $1,482,690 $1,517,090 $643,362 ($243,413) ($860,413) Smart Television to compare against Interactive Projectors ($500,000) ($620,000) ($435,000) $0 ($420,000) ($510,000) ($770,000) ($3,255,000) New Initiatives "Place Holder" ($50,000) ($450,000) ($250,000) ($2,250,000) Storage ($60,000) ($120,000) ESXi Hosts ($40,000) ($80,000) UPS Battery Replacement (ERATE) - FY20 New Initiative ($42,000) ($6,000) ($96,000) Polycomm Replacement (Distance Learning) ($36,000) Wireless Network Infrastructure Upgrade - FY20 New Initiative Palo Alto Firewall (ERATE) ($49,328) WatchGuard Firewall (ERATE) ($45,000) ($90,000) Phone System Refresh Desktop / Laptop/ Chromebook/ Mac Replacements ($371,250) ($1,815,270) ($662,925) ($1,294,950) ($173,600) ($968,400) ($716,775) ($20,000) ($561,250) ($6,584,420) ($1,021,250) ($2,930,270) ($1,347,925) ($1,580,950) ($465,600) ($1,373,728) ($1,386,775) ($1,117,000) ($2,087,250) ($13,310,748) $500,000 ($2,447,663) April 29, 2019

27 Bus Replacement Schedule
Actual Fiscal Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Beginning Balance $1,268,189 $745,453 $3,236,469 $2,811,234 $2,352,634 $2,064,634 $1,770,634 $1,470,634 $1,266,634 $954,634 $742,634 Receipts $227 $3,015,547 $0 Expenditures ($522,963) ($524,531) ($425,235) ($458,600) ($288,000) ($294,000) ($300,000) ($204,000) ($312,000) ($212,000) ($648,000) Ending Balance $94,634 April 29, 2019

28 Forecast Summary Line Description FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
2.080 Total Revenues and Other Financing Sources 81,613,767 81,404,295 81,228,718 80,917,655 80,807,927 5.050 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses (76,173,735) (81,298,314) (84,749,778) (88,289,848) (92,131,934) 6.010 Excess of Revenues and Other Financing Sources over (under) Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 5,440,032 105,981 (3,521,060) (7,372,193) (11,324,007) 7.010 Cash Balance July 1 38,875,361 44,315,393 44,421,374 40,900,315 33,528,122 7.020 Cash Balance June 30 22,204,115 8.010 Estimated Encumbrances June 30 (1,100,000) 10.010 Fund Balance June 30 43,215,393 43,321,374 39,800,315 32,428,122 21,104,115 Days Cash 207 194 171 134 84 Taxes generated by 1 mill levy 740,000 Estimated Millage to cover FY2023 Defecit 15.30 Estimated Millage to generate $1M 1.35 April 29, 2019

29 Contact Tammy Miller, Treasurer at 614-501-1013 or at
For more information: Contact Tammy Miller, Treasurer at or at April 29, 2019

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