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University of São Paulo – Brazil

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1 University of São Paulo – Brazil
9 years of lightning measurements in South America as detected by STARNET Carlos A. Morales University of São Paulo – Brazil

2 Background STARNET is a long range lightning detection network that uses Very Low Frequency (VLF) receivers to measure the radio noise (Ez) emitted by lightning discharges in the frequency range of 7-15 kHz. STARNET was developed by RDI under a NASA/SBIR Program coordinated by Dr. J. Weinman, , and uses the ATD technique to locate sferics (Lee ,1986). In 2001 the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) deployed 6 antennas through the European continent (Athens, Napoli, Lisbon, Hampshire, Iasi, Roskilde) and created the ZEUS network.

3 Background The South American STARNET was initially deployed in 2006 with 3 antennas (Guadeloupe, Fortaleza and São Paulo),(NSF and COELCE) integrated with African receivers (Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and South Africa) of World-ZEUS (NSF and AMMA project). During , 4 antennas were installed in Brazil (Campo Grande, São Martinho da Serra, Brasilia and Manaus) (CNPq – SIPAM/FINEP). Along 2012, 4 more antennas were installed at Belém and Ilhéus (Brazil), Cape Verde and Trellew (Argentina) (SIPAM, COELCE, USP). August 2015, 1 more antenna at La Serena, Chile (FAPESP) 2014 – USP is able to maintain and manufacture the VLF antennas.

4 Background . The present VLF receivers are capable to measure up to 100 sferics per second through continuous Ez measurements. Each receiver records Ez waveforms and stores on 16 second files. Every 1 minute, the collected waveforms are transmitted to the central computer station at USP. Lightning locations are evaluated every 5 minutes, if communication issues are solved it is possible to do every 1 minute. The locating algorithm can handle 30 different 9 sensors configurations to compute the sferics positions and polarity (Morales et al., 2007), but it requires a minimum of 4 receivers to locate a sferics. After one month, we perform the reprocessing to use receiver data that was not available in realtime.

5 Locations of STARNET VLF antennas
Since 2015, STARNET has 12 operational VLF antennas and 1 backup at University of São Paulo Sensors used In the locating Algorithm

6 Location Accuracy WWLLN - 2009 12.1 km GLD360 (2012-2013)
RINDAT (2009) LIS All Domain (2009) LIS Brazil (2009) WWLLN (2009) Mean Difference(km) 8.43 22.08 19.23 12.1 # of Matches 306,875 22,956 6,538 6,260,990 GLD360 ( ) Difference (km) Matches 01S-09N 27-17W (I) 26.66 87,597 08S-02N 65-55W (A) 11.13 728,870 15S-05S 53-43W (T) 7.58 1,345,711 21S-11S 70-60W (B) 12.15 1,752,731 WWLLN I A T B 12.1 km Morales et al., 2014 – ILDC

7 Over South America :12/2014 – 03/2015
GLD360 4RX 5RX 6RX 7RX 1,405,084 1,962,486 1,265,826 1,223,040 17,0 km 11,2 km 8,4 km 7,5 km RXs 4 5 6 7 RXs 4 5 6 7 Over South America :12/2014 – 03/2015

8 Detection efficiency R=S 2X=60% 1X=40% Morales et al., 2014 – ILDC

9 Local UTC Dec/2013-Mar/2014

10 62 – 52 W & S Night Night Day Dec/2013-Mar/2014

11 Sferics Measurements over South America

12 2009 2006 7 rx 7 rx 2012 8 rx 2007 4 rx 2010 7 rx 2013 12 rx 2014 2008 5 rx 2011 7 rx 12 rx

13 Year Sferics Measured 2006 7,585,405 2007 3,290,597 2008 17,204,274 2009 123,394,328 2010 45,015,908 2011 36,768,128 2012 62,397,672 2013 180,928,944 2014 133,497,008 2015 227,717,248

14 Monthly Sferi cs Distribution 2014-2015

15 Sferics Accumulation - 2015
# of Sferics

16 Annual Sferics Rate

17 2014 2015 Sferics/km2/year

18 Number of days with lightning

19 2015


21 Ranking

22 Ranking 11 STATES = 82% AM, PA and MT = 40-50%

23 Ranking in South America

24 Number of Sferics per Country

25 Sferic Rate per Country

26 Diurnal Cycle





31 STARNET web interface FTP area
Realtime data Re-processed data Google interface Thunderstorm Alerts Rainfall Estimation – SIRT FTP area

32 THANKS And Visit:

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