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Tyrosine kinase inhibitors and immunosuppressants perturb the myo-inositol but not the betaine cotransporter in isotonic and hypertonic MDCK cells  Mohamed.

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Presentation on theme: "Tyrosine kinase inhibitors and immunosuppressants perturb the myo-inositol but not the betaine cotransporter in isotonic and hypertonic MDCK cells  Mohamed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tyrosine kinase inhibitors and immunosuppressants perturb the myo-inositol but not the betaine cotransporter in isotonic and hypertonic MDCK cells  Mohamed G. Atta, Stephen C. Dahl, H.M.O.O. Kwon, Joseph S. Handler  Kidney International  Volume 55, Issue 3, Pages (March 1999) DOI: /j x Copyright © 1999 International Society of Nephrology Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 (A) Effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and various inhibitors on sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter (SMIT) and the betaine cotransporter (BGT1) activity in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells in isotonic medium. The medium contained the vehicle or the test agent (30 μM genistein, N = 7; 30 ng/ml EGF, N = 8; 30 ng/ml EGF plus 30 μM genistein, N = 5; 30 μM tyrphostin A23, N = 5; 30 ng/ml EGF plus 30 μM tyrphostin A23, N = 5; 1 μM cyclosporine, N = 5; or 1 μM FK506, N = 5). Incubation was 20 hours. The percent changes in SMIT activity (□) and BGT1 activity () are shown. Results are the mean ± SE. *P values of < 0.05 comparing the action of each agent on SMIT or BGT1 activity to control are shown. (B) Effect of EGF and various inhibitors on SMIT and BGT1 activity in MDCK cells in hypertonic medium. The symbols and concentrations are the same as in (A). Kidney International  , DOI: ( /j x) Copyright © 1999 International Society of Nephrology Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 2 (A) Effect of each agent on SMIT activity relative to that on BGT1 activity in isotonic medium. *P values of < 0.05 comparing the action of each agent on SMIT activity to that on BGT1 are shown. (B) Effect of each agent on SMIT activity relative to that on BGT1 activity in hypertonic medium. *P values of < 0.05 are shown. The effect of cyclosporine approached but did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.068). Kidney International  , DOI: ( /j x) Copyright © 1999 International Society of Nephrology Terms and Conditions

4 Figure 3 Northern blot analysis of MDCK cells cultured in isotonic (I) or hypertonic (H) medium without (control) or with 30 μM genistein for 18 hours. Radioactive bands representing SMIT (9.5 kb) and BGT1 (large band—actually a doublet of 3.4 and 2.9 kb obscured by the 28s RNA) mRNA are indicated. Kidney International  , DOI: ( /j x) Copyright © 1999 International Society of Nephrology Terms and Conditions

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