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Mrs. Agrasto Room B1 Welcome To Math Mrs. Agrasto Room B1

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Agrasto Room B1 Welcome To Math Mrs. Agrasto Room B1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Agrasto Room B1
Welcome To Math Mrs. Agrasto Room B1

2 Background Buffalo, NY Undergrad- SUNY Fredonia
Grad School- NOVA Southeastern University 12th year teaching, 10 years in FCPS; 2nd year at Harper Park! is the best way to contact me

3 Grading/HW *Grades are based on total points.
*Homework will be given each class, no late hw accepted. Graded on a 2 point scale 2All problems complete with all work shown on time. 1 Half the assignment is completed 0 Not turned in

4 Materials Needed Binder (1.5 – 2 inch) JUST FOR MATH
Loose leaf paper for binder (maybe ¼ of a pack of paper) 4 dividers or colored paper to separate sections Pencils, Pencils, Pencils!! Tissues are always needed and appreciated

5 Retakes Students are required to retake an assessment if they score below 70%. Students have the option to retake if they score a 70% or higher. Students need to complete retake contract and meet with teacher within 6 days in order to complete actual retake. The higher grade will be recorded.

6 Things I Will Do Post assignments & notes on Google Classroom
announcements of quizzes & test via Phoenix Respond to parent contacts

7 ALGEBRA CLASSES ONLY This is ONLY for students taking Algebra
This IS a high school credit class, which means  colleges will see this grade  students are expected to be attentive, complete homework each night and stay on pace with material


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