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Section 10 Review and Revision

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1 Section 10 Review and Revision
For Use with the KS2 Science Curriculum Topic 3A Adapted by Oral Health Promotion, Devon 2014


3 Q1 : Name the food groups that each of these foods belongs

4 Q2 : Which country does each of these foods come from ?

5 Q3 : Name 3 animals which are Carnivores ?

6 Q4 : Name 3 animals which are Herbivores ?

7 Q5 : The name of this tooth is ?
Used for cutting.

8 Q6 : The name of this tooth is ?
The Roman’s called their dogs …….. Why is this a good name for this tooth ?

9 Q7 :The name of this tooth is ?
…….means in front of the molars. Its job is to crush things. Especially nuts. Just like a nutcracker.

10 Q8 : The Name of this tooth is ?
…….is the Latin name for this grinding bowl. This is what this tooth does. It grinds our food before we swallow it.

11 Q 9 : What are the parts below?
The tooth is made up of two parts. The part above the gum and the part below the gum. ? ?

12 Q10 : What is this substance ?

13 Q11 : Name 5 Safer snacks

14 Q12 : The 3 most important things to remember
1) Brush your teeth and gums ……..a day. 2) Save all sugar to ……………. 3) Visit the dentist for a check up at least ……..a year (Children may be advised to go more often.).

15 With Thanks to Graeme Jones, Liverpool Dental Health Promotion

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