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Module Three, Lesson Two

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1 Module Three, Lesson Two
POWER UTILIZATION Module Three, Lesson Two

2 Aim To provide understanding of the uses and misuses of power

3 Main objective To show how the correct use of power in the interest of the community can lead to successful leadership

4 Major question to be answered
How best should power be used by locally elected leaders? What is the main purpose for the use of power?

5 Power corrupts According to Lord Acton, “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” That is why locally elected leaders must do their best to use power carefully, responsibly, and meaningfully

6 What is power? Basically, power is the ability to control the thought and behavior of others It is the ability to make others do what they would not normally do

7 Importance of power When properly used, power can be a great instrument of bringing people together and making them work in their own interest

8 Power and leadership There is a relationship between power and leadership As soon as a man or woman is given leadership, then that person is automatically given power In that case knowing how to use the power becomes the most important thing It is always good for leaders to use power in the interest of their people

9 Elements of leadership
If power is related to leadership, then it is important to know those things that make leadership good Those elements of leadership include: character Competence Care Leadership may also come with price, prize and/or peril

10 Uses of power A locally elected leader can use power in the interest of his or her community and people, thereby bringing happiness Most often, leaders will also be faced with the temptation of misusing power But the abuse of power is what usually leads to the failure and replacement of leaders by the people

11 Misuses of power Just as power can be used for good purposes, it can also be misused Sometimes, leaders use power for their personal benefits or to the disadvantage of others Some leaders also use their power to cheat or deny benefits to their communities These are some examples of the misuse of power

12 Gender and power Long ago, the use of power was the business of men only Today, things have changed – women can also use power as effectively as men In fact, in the old Liberian culture and even among the people of rural Liberia today, power sharing with women is not very strange – although men have always tried to dominate

13 Some sources of power Position, office or authority
Expertise: the knowledge and skill of the leader Organization: the ability of the leader to put people together for work Number: the amount of people on the side of the good leader

14 Power as relationship Power expresses itself as a relationship of domination and subordination, or top-down relationship It may also be a relationship between rich and poor What ever the case is, leaders must use their positions to encourage power sharing and to improve the situation of poor people and the conditions of society for the benefit of all

15 Power and the question of equality
Before the law, all the people are equal So the leader must try to protect the basic rights of everybody The leader must also try to look for ways in which basic services will reach everybody – i.e. education, health, water, housing, communication roads

16 Power and good governance
It is important to connect the use of power with the principles of good governance such: Participation and civic engagement Transparency and accountability Equality and diversity Efficiency and effectiveness

17 The question of empowerment
Rather than approach power as if leaders have the magic with which to empower the people, it is important to share power with the people The leader must seek to create the enabling environment in which people empower themselves

18 Power and administration
The leader is always an administrator But the leader as administrator needs the help and cooperation of others to accomplish his or her tasks So the leader must be able to delegate responsibility to others And the leader must also reward good service and performance by subordinates

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